A Jealous Man

For one suspended moment, their gazes collided in midair, and violent sparks seemed to fly from that single line of contact. 

W–Was the skill card not working, after all? 

Shen Nianzu felt his heart sinking to the pit of his stomach. Indeed, he was taking a gamble by using the skill card on Jin Jiuchi. On one hand, he had no idea whether mind control would work on Jin Jiuchi whom he suspected to be a nightmare creature, but on the other hand… if it did work, then it was equivalent to putting Jin Jiuchi on a leash, where Shen Nianzu would be able to control him as he pleased!

Alas, it looked like this skill card's level was still too low to achieve the effect he wanted…

Just as he was planning to move to plan B – that was to break away by brute force – Jin Jiuchi suddenly let go of him, catching him off guard.

"Holy shit…" an astonished look crossed his features as he stared at Jin Jiuchi's dazed look. "Is it really working?!"