Kill Or Be Killed

Shen Nianzu sneered quietly at Wind, who looked like she could not wait to chew him down to the bones. 

If there was only her in this Cycle, Shen Nianzu would not hesitate to deal with her once and for all. After all, she had mistaken him as JJ, and he could not be bothered to correct her. 

However, it became a different case altogether when Jiang Shun, a member of the Immortal Phoenix, entered the picture.

Jiang Shun had entered this Cycle with the purpose of delivering a formal invitation to Jin Jiuchi in person. It was only logical to assume that even if he were rejected, he would be able to escape this low-level Cycle unharmed. But then, Wind had audaciously declared her intention to kill everyone in the Cycle last night, instantly putting Shen Nianzu on high alert.