Hidden Task

"Nian—" Jin Jiuchi almost called out to the jade doll in reflex, but he stopped himself in the nick of time when he recalled the presence of the mummy minister and the soldiers around him. 

'Remember, Jin Jiuchi, you are currently posing as Anubis! You must not expose your real identity to them!'

Luckily, his little slip of the tongue went unnoticed amidst the loud clamor in the hall, as the soldiers pounded the hilt of their curved blades on the ground, chanting, "Punishment! Punishment! Punishment!"

It was only through sheer willpower that Jin Jiuchi could remain poised on his throne despite the questions swirling in his mind. W–What the hell? Could someone tell him what was going on right now?! Was he not supposed to be swimming in the lake of afterlife, so how did he end up here?! 

He discreetly surveyed his surroundings and realized that he was no longer in the temple hall but in a grand castle-like setting.