Are You Crazy?!

The Nightmare was akin to an omnipotent being. In its eyes, players were nothing more than ants or worms — creatures of no significance whatsoever. Would you care about stepping on ants when you were walking? No, because their life and death did not concern you whatsoever. It was probably how they were in the Nightmare's eyes; amusing playthings, but not important enough to warrant more attention.

Yet, the same Nightmare had appeared in Shishen Apartment which was a low-level Cycle, and Shen Nianzu's intuition told him that Jin Jiuchi was the main reason for it. 

After all, had it not interfered during Jin Jiuchi's last battle with the shadow creature? 

Even though it had not reappeared in this Cycle, the hidden task indicated that Jin Jiuchi was in an extremely unfavorable position right now. Almost as if the Nightmare wanted to use a discreet way to get rid of him. But why?