Want To Eat Me?

Jin Jiuchi's breath was scorching against his neck. Being held so tightly in his arms, Shen Nianzu had a notion that he was cornered by a large beast, one capable of ruining and tearing him apart. His breathing quickened, his heart pounding on his throat, and his grip around Jin Jiuchi's shoulders tightened until his knuckles turned white. 

'Move,' he told himself. 'Move and push him away! Why can't I move?!'

Shen Nianzu was not weak. On the contrary, there might only be a handful of people in this country who could overpower him. However, under the light weight of Jin Jiuchi's teeth on his neck, he felt strangely powerless as if all his strength had been sucked away, leaving his entire body soft and pliant for the man to manipulate as he pleased.

Kiss me hard before you go

Summertime sadness

I just wanted you to know

That baby, you the best