Protective Jin Jiuchi

What happened next seemed to be in slow motion. 

Shen Nianzu heard the blood curdling shriek from Gu Luoxin nearby, though it lasted only for a short second before it was cut off. His heart skipped a beat, but before he could even react, a chilling gust of wind rushed towards him from the side! 

'Danger!' Alarm bells went off in his mind and his entire body grew tense in preparation for the fight. 

With the sudden absence of light, Shen Nianzu was completely blinded right now, but at least he could still gauge the direction of the attack from the shift in the air. He flicked his fingers, silver needles ready at hand, but before he could throw them forward, a powerful force suddenly yanked him from behind, causing him to fall into a warm and familiar chest.

"Piss off!" Jin Jiuchi growled in anger as he stretched out a leg to kick the troublemaker away, all the while holding the jade doll in the protective circle of his muscular arms.