Space Distortion

"Da Shen!"

Shen Nianzu sprinted down the dim and maze-like hallway, his sharp gaze scanning the surroundings. "Xinxin? Are you guys here?!" His voice echoed through the empty space and bounced back to him, but he still did not get the response he was waiting for.

Unlike Jin Jiuchi who kept running until he was out of breath like the fool he was, Shen Nianzu knew better than to waste his energy on such a futile action. He halted on his tracks and massaged his temples, cursing under his breath, "I have been too careless…" 

He had no idea how he became separated from his teammates or how he ended up in this predicament. The last thing he remembered was falling asleep in his room, and the next thing he knew, he was trapped here.

Staring at the neverending and desolate hallway, he seemed to be able to guess the ability of the strongest nightmare creature on this ship, aka the 'queen' — space distortion.