A Good Predator

Lily and her group were placed in a distant building from Jin Jiuchi, Gu Luoxin and Noir. Guards were stationed in front of the building, and they needed permission to move around freely. 

Inside a certain room, the three players gathered for a discussion— or to be exact, it was Duan Jie's teammates who came to seek Lily. She remained as composed as ever, but the other two were visibly anxious. "W–What should we do? What if we miss the chance to get the return ticket? We will not be able to get out of this Cycle alive!" they fretted incessantly.

"Shut up!" Lily snapped at them harshly, impatience bubbling in her chest. One after another, there were more and more weak players who actually made it to mid-level Cycles. It seemed the Nightmare had gotten too lenient in filtering these useless people out! If not because she would need them to act as a foil later…