First Dance

Shen Nianzu felt like his heart had morphed into a fluttering cluster of butterflies or a swarm of hummingbirds, their wings beating wildly against the confines of his ribcage. He could even feel the intense flutter in his stomach and throat. Every cell in his body seemed to be coursing with electricity, making him painfully aware of each movement coming from the man before him. He could sense Jin Jiuchi stiffening, his eyes widening as the end of his lashes faintly grazed against Shen Nianzu's skin. 

Like an offering, Shen Nianzu tilted his fragile and swan-like neck, pressing his cold and trembling lips against Jin Jiuchi's warm, soft ones.

The simple peck lasted no more than two seconds, yet as Shen Nianzu pulled away, a delicate flush spread across his entire being, and even his tail was curling up in nervousness. He dared not meet Jin Jiuchi's eyes and opted to fixate on the man's neck instead, watching the bob of his Adam's apple with each swallow.