Three Months

Meanwhile, inside the internet cafe.

Gu Luoxin paced back and forth in front of the private room. He bit his nails, his eyes frequently darted to the dim corridor leading to the back door. The longer he looked, the more he felt like the corridor resembled the gaping maw of a beast ready to swallow him whole. It unnerved him so much that he kept gnawing on his thumb nail until it bled, but he did not seem to realize it for how distraught he was.

He really wanted to cry but had no tears. Earlier, fearing that Shen Nianzu might misunderstand their relationship, he had rushed after them with the intention of making things clear. When he arrived, he found the door slightly ajar, enabling him to catch a brief glimpse of the situation outside. He desperately prayed that he had not arrived too late and Shen Nianzu had not already pummeled his dog to the ground.