Don't Tell Him

Gu Luoxin's mouth hung agape, his hand frozen mid-air in a waving pose. He could only watch, dumbfounded, as the man swiftly disappeared into the distance. It took a few soft chuckles from the people queuing behind him to jolt him out of his daze.

"What's that? An obsessive fan?"

"Calling someone 'Great God'… seriously, who talks like that? I mean, I adore my idol, but this is just something else!

"Did you see that guy's face? I think he ran away out of fear hahaha!"

"By the way, did you notice how hot that student is…"

Gu Luoxin had no idea whether it was his hearing that had been enhanced by the Nightmare, but he seemed to be able to hear each word of the hushed comments around him with uncanny clarity, tinged with mockery, intrigue and amusement. 

Heat rushed to his cheeks and he bit down on his bottom lip, desperately wishing that the ground would open up to swallow him whole.