Testing Skill Card

For the next two months, Jin Jiuchi was literally having the best time of his life. He learned how vast the country was when he traversed through Beijing, Xi'an, Chengdu, and many other cities. He indulged in countless unique and exotic cuisines, and beheld an array of awe-inspiring landscapes that did not lose out to the fantastical vistas within the Nightmare Cycle. And most exciting of all, he also got to ride in a cool metal bird known as an 'airplane'! 

How fascinating, it turned out humans could actually fly across the sky even without wings like Noir! Not only that, the ears would go temporarily deaf as well!

Jin Jiuchi was so enthralled by this sensation of auditory distortion that he kept hollering on top of his lungs, only to be shut up by a kiss from Shen Nianzu.