Little Disagreement

Ba-thump! Ba-thump! Ba-thump!

The sound echoed so loudly in Gu Luoxin's ears that he instinctively pressed a hand to his chest, fearing that Noir might hear his erratic heartbeat. He could not seem to tear his gaze away from the emerald-eyed man, his mind still reeling from shock and disbelief. What in the world had just happened? Noir offered an apology? To him?! Had the sun arisen from the west today?! 

In his mind, Noir did not appear like someone who would regret his actions and express remorse, so what had brought forth the change?

Curiosity tickled Gu Luoxin's heart, the question ready on the tip of his tongue. Yet for some reason, he felt like it would be too rude to ask. Thus he sensibly swallowed it back down to his stomach and kept mum. He was lost in a daze for a few more seconds before the full realization hit him like a train wreck. 

Holy shit, Great God Noir had just apologized to him— Gu Luoxin, of all people!