Favorite Book

This unexpected and earth-shattering revelation gave Shen Nianzu another big shock and led him to a question he had never dared to contemplate before: Could Jin Jiuchi grow old? Or would he remain eternally youthful and breathtakingly attractive even while Shen Nianzu aged into an ugly and bald old man?

The mere thought of it was so terrifying that Shen Nianzu had to expel the mental image from his mind for the sake of his last thread of sanity.

Nothing was certain yet, he tried to reason. He must not forget that this was a labyrinth of time and space, meaning that any mention of time would most likely be distorted to a morbid degree. It was with that argument that he managed to regain his bearings and released a shaky exhale, beads of sweat forming on his hairline. "I–I see," he stammered. "You're right, there's really no meaning in counting your age here."

The two dumplings gave him an identical look which seemed to say 'told you so'.