As Bright as the Sun

"Watch out!" Shen Nianzu's pupils dilated, his body moving on instinct to push the two Jin Jiuchis out of harm's way. 

The petals of the witch's bane shimmered brilliantly in Shen Nianzu's grasp and cast a protective aura around him. Even then, he kept pushing the power of the blossoms to its limit so that the area of coverage was wide enough to shield all of the players. However, it also meant that the pace in which the flowers withered was increasing, and the radiant shield's light soon dimmed.

As though sensing an opening, the dark force intensified its assault, causing Shen Nianzu to stagger with the pressure. The black swirls on his skin writhed like sentient creatures, and a grimace of pain contorted his face.

"Nian'er!" The two Jin Jiuchis cried out in alarm. "H–Hang in there, we will eat more of it!"

"Don't!" Shen Nianzu growled at them, his gaze steely and threatening. "Don't even think about doing it again!"