Full Circle

Shen Nianzu felt the urge to retch as an extreme dizziness engulfed his senses. Staggering, he clutched onto the wall as he dry-heaved, his temple throbbing in pain. He tried to recall the previous events that led to his current predicament, and it took him a while to piece together the jumbled pieces of memory. 

That's right, the five of them had succeeded in getting through the 'Reflection of Emotions', and then…

"Ugh…" a pained groan sounded nearby. "W–What is going on…?"

Shen Nianzu slowly turned to find not only Gu Luoxin, but also Noir, Ying and Qiuqiu close to him, all sporting the same sickly expressions. They looked as if they had just ridden a thrilling roller coaster without a seatbelt. 

Qiuqiu was retching in the corner, but because they had not eaten anything for quite some time – they did not actually know how long they had spent here – nothing came out of her throat except for stomach acid.