Visit Grandpa

Under normal circumstances, Shen Nianzu would have instructed his assistant to perform a background check before dropping by unannounced like he did to Jin Jiuchi and Gu Luoxin. But now, the person he sought to visit was not just any Tom, Dick and Harry— it was one of the three Legendary players in the country!

For that, Shen Nianzu dared not act willfully and opted to send a formal message through the Nightmare App instead, requesting for a meeting. It was fortunate that Grandpa had always left his DMs open, unlike some other high-ranking players he knew, himself included. 

A response arrived three days later, and they agreed to meet over the weekend. 

Gu Luoxin, upon hearing that they were going to meet Grandpa in person, desperately begged for Shen Nianzu to bring him along, almost kneeling under his feet with tears and all. To prevent Jin Jiuchi from going ballistic at the sight of his moping and crying, Shen Nianzu reluctantly acquiesced.