Wow, Indeed

"Wow…" Jin Jiuchi's eyes lit up as he took in the magical transformation before him. 

Silver scales grew from the skin of Shen Nianzu's lower abdomen, and his two human legs seamlessly melded together into a captivating tail. Going down, the color transitioned from a pure silver to a delicate pale purple before deepening into a deep royal purple at the caudal fin. Two translucent flukes materialized on each side of his hips, swaying gently beneath the water's surface. 

No matter how many times Jin Jiuchi saw it, the sight never ceased to mesmerize him.

Shen Nianzu's tail was so long that it extended beyond the tub, the caudal fin hanging somewhat awkwardly in the air as though he were playfully swinging his legs. He released a sigh and sank his body deeper into the tub, causing water to spill over and drench the floor around them.