The Best Day!

Gu Luoxin wore an expression as if he had nothing left to live for. Ah ah ah! He clutched his misbehaving hand, so infuriated that he almost wanted to bite it off. Why? Why did you always embarrass yourself in front of him?! 

Left with no other choice, he could only brace himself and dialed the number once more, his complexion ashen. The call connected almost immediately, and this time Gu Luoxin took the initiative to speak before the other person could even utter his greeting, "Senior, it's me, Gu Luoxin…"

His tone was listless, tentative and cautious, like a timid little mouse hanging limply in the mouth of a cat, after inadvertently poking the said cat awake from its peaceful nap.

"Mn," Noir let out a non-committal hum, then, "Did you receive the ticket?"