So Many!

Shen Nianzu's breath hitched as he lunged forward to slap the small statue out of Jin Jiuchi's grasp. "Don't touch that!" He was so spooked that if he were a cat, all of his fur would have stood on its end.

Jin Jiuchi yelped, more from surprise than pain. Cradling his hand, he shot an aggrieved look at Shen Nianzu, "N–Nian'er?"

The small statue bounced on the soft bed before tumbling to the ground with a clear, crisp sound. It was a beautifully carved white marble statue, as small as a baby's fist. The craftsmanship was so delicate and exquisite that Shen Nianzu would have taken the time to admire it under any normal circumstances. But after the unsettling information he had just learned, he couldn't shake the feeling that the tiny statue exuded an inexplicable sinister aura, sending chills down his spine. 

With sternness in his tone, Shen Nianzu demanded, "Where did you get it from?"