Main Territory

"Welcome to the main territory of us mice," Caen gave his introduction with an odd excitement in his voice.

As they walked through the dark, dunk tunnels of the underground sewer, the air grew thick with the pungent stench of decay comparable to the waste disposal. The sound of dripping water echoed through the narrow passage, mingling with the occasional faint rustles in the distance. 

The walls were coated with slimy film, and Gu Luoxin's whiskers brushed against the rough damp bricks as he cautiously followed Caen's lead. 

Every step sent ripples through the murky water flowing along the channel beneath his tiny paws. Once in a while, his snout wrinkled as he caught a whiff of rotting garbage and sewage that had accumulated along the edges of the tunnel. Bits of debris floated by such as a discarded scrap of cloth, a broken shard of pottery— remnants of life aboveground.