Acting Cute

Even until they emerged from the underground sewer, Gu Luoxin remained in a daze, unable to process the words he had just heard. Though Lucius had not repeated himself for the second time, Gu Luoxin was fairly certain that he had heard the black cat mention 'date'. 

Him and Lucius, on a date? Did Lucius even understand the meaning of that word, or was there a different interpretation for animals that Gu Luoxin was not aware of?

Gu Luoxin wanted to ask so badly, but somehow his heart shriveled up each time he locked eyes with Lucius', and his courage dissipated faster than a drop of water under the scorching summer sun. He could only stew in his own curiosity and follow Lucius out of the dark and dingy tunnel, fully reassured with the fact that the black cat wouldn't do anything to harm him.