Catch It!

As soon as that booming voice thundered in the air, more and more eyes landed on Gu Luoxin, leaving the poor brown mouse trembling with confusion and fear. W–What was going on?! Why were they staring at him with such greedy and obsessive eyes?! 

"Oh damn," Lucius muttered a curse for the very first time, but Gu Luoxin didn't even have the luxury to marvel at it because in the next second, Lucius bit down on his body and took off running, treating him just like a dead mouse!

"Chase!" As if on cue, a crowd of men surged forward, determined to catch the small and dirty brown mouse which was Gu Luoxin. 

"Ciit—!" a horrified squeak escaped Gu Luoxin as the world intensely spun before his eyes, his body jolting back and forth as if he was riding on a steep rollercoaster without a safety harness. To make matters worse, there was a horde of titans – no, NPCs – chasing after him!