Bird Cage

Looking around, Gu Luoxin only saw a look of utter bewilderment on the other mice's features, and the realization that he was the only one who could perceive the mournful cries echoing through the air sent a chill of terror racing down his spine. No way, it couldn't possibly be a g-g-ghost, right? But this wasn't even a supernatural cycle!

Gu Luoxin's poor little heart shriveled in fright, and if he were a human right now, his complexion would have been drained of colors. But alas, in his current form, everyone could only see his dilated pupils and his whiskers that were twitching like crazy. 

"Xinxin? Are you alright ciit?"

"What are you talking about? We can't hear anything ciit."

"Shouldn't we be moving to rescue our pals before they're harmed by humans?"