Girl And Her Fairy (3)

"What a pitiful soul," the mysterious voice echoed with a touch of sympathy. "Look at you. You've endured so much suffering, yet no one has ever bothered to take notice, have they?"

"Who?!" She snapped her head up and looked around, yet there was nary a person inside the room aside from herself. Clutching her head, she demanded, her voice tinged with hysteria, "Who are you? Why am I hearing your voice in my mind? Show yourself!"

"Who am I, you ask…" the voice chuckled softly, yet somehow it managed to send a wave of icy chills running down her spine. "My identity is not important. What matters the most is… we're the same. We have both been abandoned by those we held dear. It's because we're too similar that I am drawn to you. So tell me," it continued. "Do you wish to seek revenge on those who have wronged you? Do you want to make them suffer as much as you have?"