One and Only Cure

The sudden prompt froze Gu Luoxin in place, and if it weren't physically impossible, he would have flushed a vivid shade of crimson from the tips of his rounded ears down to the end of his tail.

W–What the hell? It was like the Nightmare was forcing him to admit that his feelings for Noir were just like… that! He, Gu Luoxin, in love with Noir – his idol, role model, and his object of admiration? Could it possibly have been love all along…?

Unbeknownst to him, his gaze gravitated towards Noir, and his soul almost bounced out of his body when their eyes met in midair, as the other person was also staring at him since God-knows-when. A high-pitched squeak escaped him as he instinctively curled into a tight ball, seeking refuge in Shen Nianzu's palm that provided little cover to begin with.

"Xinxin?" Shen Nianzu called out worriedly, poking the brown mouse's body with the tip of his finger. "What is it?"