Good and Bad Children

Sensing his teammates' protectiveness over him, Shen Nianzu suddenly felt like there was no use talking to them at this point, so he simply closed his eyes and leaned back against Jin Jiuchi's chest, treating the man like a makeshift cushion. Out of sight, out of mind.

Over the next ten minutes, a couple more players entered the bus, mostly in pairs, with a few solo players and one complete team of four, filling the bus to the brim. None of them were familiar faces though, much to Gu Luoxin's disappointment. 

At first glance, it was difficult to discern the players' rank, but upon closer inspection, it could be seen that those with lower ranks tended to go around the bus, offering their greetings to others regardless of the response they received. Meanwhile, higher-ranking players, such as the SJG Team, preferred to keep to themselves since they wouldn't want to draw unwarranted attention to themselves.