Had it not been for his current child form, Shen Nianzu swore he would have shaken Jin Jiuchi's shoulders back and forth to see if he could shake the water off the man's brain as well.
He wanted to holler right in front of Jin Jiuchi's face: was it the most important thing right now?! Okay, fine, he admitted it was good to confirm they had indeed obtained the ticket in their grasp, yet at the same time, it also came with two troubling problems.
Firstly, which ticket was it— platinum, golden, or silver? They did not know! Not only did they not have the slightest idea, with Jin Jiuchi's body glowing brighter than a lighthouse like this, wouldn't it make him a living target?? Other players with tickets could still hide it somewhere safe while setting up ambushes in the dark, but they could only defend themselves to the best of their ability…
Just what had compelled this silly husky to swallow it?!