Who's Your Bro?

"Xiao Shen! Xiao Shen, what should we—" Gu Luoxin desperately sought his leader for advice in case they needed to provide some emergency assistance. After all, the enemies were all formidable players, each was stronger than Shen Nianzu! 

For Gu Luoxin, they were all terrifying mammoths he could never defeat even in his wildest dreams!

In that split second, his wild imagination had conjured up multiple tragic ways for Jin Jiuchi to die for the second time, but before he could even finish his sentence, the sudden turn of events unfolding before his eyes choked him speechless, leaving him staring wide-eyed in astonishment and disbelief. 

Oh my God, this… this… how should he explain this?

Jin Jiuchi had so effortlessly… so efficiently… crushed those four dangerous players? The same players who had injured Shen Nianzu and forced Gu Luoxin into fleeing with such desperation like a helpless mouse in the gutter?