Why Aren't You?

Noticing that his reckless attempt worked this time around, Shen Nianzu's eyes lit up ever so slightly and the tension he wasn't even aware of slowly ebbed away from his body. His clenched fists loosened in a mix of relief, joy, and apprehension, and it was only then that he realized his palms were clammy with sweat. 

Good… it's good that Jin Jiuchi was still lucid. He hadn't yet become completely salvageable. 

As the person closest to him, Shen Nianzu vividly perceived that something was off with the man's temperament. He seemed twice as irascible and cranky somehow. And if Shen Nianzu had to pinpoint where it all started, then it should be after Jin Jiuchi consumed the Mad Hatter's concoction. 

Shen Nianzu wasn't so naïve to believe that Jin Jiuchi would turn out perfectly fine despite the fact that he wasn't at all human. He reckoned that the concoction must have affected Jin Jiuchi's SAN Value, bringing out his feral and unhinged side.