cw: umm dubcon? *cough*
Shen Nianzu couldn't restrain the long, trembling cry that echoed from the depths of his throat the moment his merman shaft sprung free from its sheath.
Mere words were not enough to encapsulate the indescribable relief coursing through him right now.
He felt like he should be ashamed for this, horribly ashamed, yet he was already too far gone by this point. He had no idea which to blame— Jin Jiuchi's fingers edging him mercilessly, this absurdly sensitive and lustful merman body, or himself for falling for this perverted husky's trap in the first place. Damn it, he should have known that Jin Jiuchi's IQ would only come online whenever he was scheming something bad!
But soon, the last remnants of thoughts in his mind dissolved into bubbles when Jin Jiuchi, without even a word of warning, spread his intimate flesh apart, exposing his insides to the warm water in the jacuzzi!