Chapter 10

She wanted to contact her brother too much. Lin Xiajin took the phone and called her brother.

Beep beep.

The call was answered after less than one ring.

"Xiaxia, is that you?" A pleasant-sounding voice immediately came out, although it was a man's anxious voice.

Hearing this familiar voice, Lin Xiajin's eyes turned slightly red. She said, "Brother, it's me. I'm very safe now."

"That's great. I knew you would find a way to contact me. I'm relieved to know that you're safe. I'm in S City now. It will take me a long time to go to B City, but I'm on my way now. I asked my friend Xiao Ruo to pick you up from your school. If you meet him, go with him. Understand?"

"Yes," Lin Xiajin replied.

Just as Lin Xiajin was about to say a few more words, Xin Li's phone ran out of power and turned off automatically.

"It's out of power. This power bank is also out of power. We still have to find another power bank and contact your brother." Xin Li said.

Lin Xiajin nodded. Xiao Ruo? She seemed to have heard her brother mention this name before. He had been attending university in B City.

However, without any communication equipment, it was extremely difficult to contact others!

On the other side.

Lin Xiaran saw that there was suddenly no sound from the phone. His sister's phone was probably out of power, so he silently saved the number.

Now he had contacted his sister and knew that she was still in Qing University; it was good that she was safe.

Lin Xiaran dialed the number on the top of the list. The sound of zombies roaring came from the phone.

"I don't think I called at the right time," Lin Xiaran said.

"If you have something to say, say it quickly." A man's cold voice came from the phone, but if one listened carefully, they could hear the man's panting.

Lin Xiaran also knew that now was not the time to joke. If he joked, the call would probably be hung up immediately. Lin Xiaran immediately said seriously, "I've contacted my sister. She's still at Qing University. Please go and save her."



Lin Xiaran only received an "okay" before the call was hung up. He had wanted to ask if he still remembered Lin Xiajin!

At the thought of this, Lin Xiaran called again. This time, there were no more zombie roars.

"Do you still remember my sister? The one with long hair, Lin Xiajin, and two dimples when she smiles?"

Before Lin Xiaran could finish, the person on the other end of the line said,

"I know. I just saw her not long ago. Don't call me anymore. I'll contact you when I get your sister." His voice was still cold, but it was obvious that he was anxious.

This was the last sentence Lin Xiaran heard from the phone. When had Xiao Ruo seen his sister??

He even said that he had seen his sister before. How was this possible? Did Xiao Ruo mean three years ago? Was this considered not long ago?

Although the two of them were both in B City, one's school was in the east, and the other's school was in the west. How could they have met?

Lin Xiaran still wanted to make a call and ask, but reality didn't allow it! The battery of his phone couldn't be charged just anytime now.

How depressing! He hoped that Xiao Ruo could successfully pick up his sister. Right now, he only had his sister left!

If something happened to Lin Xiajin, how would he explain it to his parents?


Lin Xiajin and Xin Li had been staying in the classroom. Night was coming soon and the zombie movements would speed up…

Lin Xiajin and Xin Li closed all the windows and drew the curtains, leaving only a small gap.