Chapter 13

Xin Li nodded. She had picked up a fireman's axe before, but it was difficult to even hold it in her hands, let alone raise it to kill zombies.

She was a rich young lady and did not do any chores.

At this moment, she was holding the saber that Lin Xiajin had handed over. There were still bloodstains on it, so she felt a little disgusted.

But now that she had a weapon in her hand, she felt more at ease…

The fireman's axes were all in the cabinet. If the transparent glass was forcefully opened, the sound would probably attract zombies.

Lin Xiajin thought of the fire cabinet in ordinary schools. There were usually keys beneath it. In case the school was on fire, they could be used immediately.

Hence, Lin Xiajin squatted down to take a look. Indeed, the key was glued below.

Opening the fire cabinet, Lin Xiajin picked up the fireman's axe…

The fireman's axe was indeed much heavier than the saber. However, Lin Xiajin usually woke up early for a morning run and trained in Taekwondo, so she was still able to lift it.

Picking up the fireman's axe, Lin Xiajin immediately felt safe.

Lin Xiajin nodded at Xin Li and the two of them walked out, one after another.

There was also a discarded backpack on the ground. Lin Xiajin thought of her spatial storage and how she did not want to expose it for the time being.

So she picked up this backpack. There was a trace of dried blood on the shoulder strap.

Lin Xiajin carried her backpack. It was not heavy. There wer probably just pens and a few books inside.

As soon as they left the school building, they saw a zombie gnawing on a corpse whose face could not be seen clearly…

Intestines and brain matter had splattered all over the ground…

Lin Xiajin was shocked, but she did not scream. Xin Li immediately covered her mouth.

Those who could survive now more or less had some immunity when they saw zombies eating corpses.

Lin Xiajin picked up the fireman's axe and slashed at the zombie's neck. This first slash was more or less a little nervous.

Unexpectedly, the zombie's head was not cut off. Half of it was still hanging on…

The zombie's mouth opened and closed, and a pile of unknown human tissue flowed out.

Seeing that Lin Xiajin only wanted to retch, Xin Li, who was behind her, also felt extremely disgusted.

They had to get used to this kind of scene. It wouldn't matter once they got used to it.

Lin Xiajin thought so in her heart, but her body was still very honest.

"Be careful, Xiajin. There's more on the left!" Xin Li hurriedly pointed out.

Lin Xiajin turned around and saw a bald zombie crawling out from the side. The zombie's movements were slow during the day.

The speed of zombies presently was similar to that of an adult.

Lin Xiajin immediately pulled hard again. Just as the zombie's head fell off, Lin Xiajin immediately slashed at the zombies that were running over.

This time, she cut off a head completely.

"Another one! Another one!" Xin Li said from behind.

"You do it!" Lin Xiajin took a step back and stood beside Xin Li.

"I, I can't. I haven't chopped them before!" Panic flashed across Xin Li's face and her lips turned pale.

The reason why she had been able to live for so long was because she had been living under the protection of others until they died one by one.

"There might be more zombies later. I don't have any superpowers. It's already good enough that I can protect myself," Lin Xiajin said honestly.

She might not always be in front of Xin Li…

"Aren't you a black belt in Taekwondo…?" Xin Li said nervously.

"Even if I'm the martial arts champion, I can't face so many zombies. At this time, only you yourself is the most dependable!" Lin Xiajin stopped talking after saying that.

It was up to Xin Li whether she wanted to listen or not. Her ability was limited and it was already good enough that she could protect herself.