Chapter 31

The four of them began to open the packages tacitly. No one spoke as they were all trying to open the packages as quickly as possible.

In a short while, the cardboard boxes were piled high!

"A bracelet Kadea," Wang Ping said happily as she opened a package. Then, she immediately put the bracelet on her wrist.

This bracelet was not cheap. It was at least worth her living expenses for a year. However, some student had just casually bought one.

However, she could get it without spending a single cent now. Wang Ping was very happy.

Xin Li sneered at the side and said, "Heh… you were too poor in the past and couldn't afford it, right?"

"Xin Li! You!" Wang Ping's face turned red when she heard Xin Li's mocking words. She took a step forwards and wanted to fight with Xin Li.

Although her superpower was not as good as Xin Li's, she had been doing farm work since she was young. Her stamina and endurance were much better than other people, let alone a rich second-generation heir like Xin Li. If they really fought, Wang Ping would definitely crush her.

This was also why Wang Ping was able to live until now.

"Wang Ping, the zombies are still roaring outside. Finding supplies is what is important!" Yang Ziyi frowned and pulled Wang Ping back as he said unhappily.

Was this girl brainless?

"Roar, roar, roar…"

At this moment, the zombies outside even roared a few times…

Xin Li did not continue to scold Wang Ping. Instead, she continued to open the packages with a knife.

If glares had any attack power, Xin Li would have been turned into a sieve by Wang Ping.

Wang Ping glared at Xin Li and cursed in her heart. Then, she started to open the packages again.

After a while, Wang Ping had put on earrings, a golden necklace, and a ring.

Yang Ziyi couldn't help but find a branded outfit himself. He couldn't afford AD's clothes usually.

Ha had also changed his outfit now, which included branded sports shoes…

Wang Ping found another pair of branded shoes. She had always liked them. She had saved up for a few months to buy these shoes. These shoes were popular panda shoes, but she could not bear to buy them even after looking at them for many times

Wang Ping tried them on and realized that the shoes were a little too big, but she still didn't take them off…

Lin Xiajin and Xin Li also took out many branded goods, but Lin Xiajin and Xin Li did not seem to care about them.

Lin Xiajin was not interested in brands to begin with. She liked things as long as they were comfortable.

If it was expensive, she could wear it. If it was cheap and comfortable, she would also wear it.

Perhaps it was common for her underwear to cost 1,000 dollars and her shoes to be less than 100 dollars.

Xin Li was a rich second-generation heir. When she shopped, she did not demand anything else other than being expensive! However, expensive things were useless now!

She had stayed in the school building alone and starved for two days and two nights. That feeling was simply too unbearable!

If not for the fact that she was not fated to die, she would have really died!

Xin Li and Lin Xiajin were both looking for food. Food that could be bought online was usually more durable.

"Canned fruits! It's a good thing, but it's too heavy!" Xin Li sighed.

"However, we can eat it now!" Xin Li said and looked at the six cans of canned fruits inside.

She and Lin Xiajin each had three cans. Lin Xiajin licked her lips. She was indeed hungry again now.

She now felt that only sweet food could make her feel more comfortable and perhaps make her even stronger?

After a while, Lin Xiajin had finished three cans of fruits in a row. After eating one can, Xin Li was almost full. She looked at Lin Xiajin in disbelief…

"You, you're eating so fast? And I feel that you're not full yet…" Xin Li looked at Lin Xiajin, who looked like she had not had enough.

  1. 'Panda shoes' should be indicating how rare and valuable the shoes were.
  2. Shoudl be referring to currency, doesn't make sense the other way round