Chapter 37

After leaning against the door for three hours, the morning sun shone in, and the two of them relaxed a little…

Immediately, waves of fatigue assaulted them…


Lin Xiajin's stomach rumbled. She must have used up too much energy. Not only was Lin Xiajin hungry, but even Xin Li felt hungry.

Lin Xiajin's backpack was still there. She took it out. There were biscuits, bread, various chocolates, candy…

"Eat…" Lin Xiajin said to Xin Li.

Just now, Xin Li had saved her life. Lin Xiajin said, "Thank you for just now."

Xin Li looked at Lin Xiajin's sincere attitude and deliberately said, "It's really not easy to see you thank me. However, we have canceled each other out. You also pulled me up, right?"

At the skylight! Lin Xiajin did not escape on her own but called out to her!

This was the first time she felt that she wasn't abandoned…

As they spoke, the two of them looked at each other's sorry state and smiled. Their relationship and previous misunderstanding seemed to have been resolved here.

"Your hand is injured!" Xin Li saw that Lin Xiajin's hand was injured…

If Xin Li had not mentioned her hand, she would not have felt any pain. Perhaps it might have been because she had been tense the entire time…

At this moment, she really felt a little pain.

"There's gauze and iodine in my backpack," Lin Xiajin said as she took it out of her backpack. Actually, she had taken it out of her spatial storage.

"I'll put it on for you!" Xin Li volunteered as she spoke. She wiped Lin Xiajin's wound with iodophor and wrapped it with gauze.

After Xin Li bandaged Lin Xiajin's wound, the two of them started eating.

Indeed, chocolate and candy were better at keeping her hunger pangs at bay for Lin Xiajin. It seemed that the more calories there were, the better they were for her.

"Oh no!" Xin Li suddenly thought of something. She stood up and said in a panic.

"…?" Lin Xiajin had just finished eating and drinking her fill. She was leaning against the door and wanted to take a nap. However, she was awakened by Xin Li's surprise.

Lin Xiajin looked at Xin Li in confusion…

"My backpack! I didn't manage to pick it up! There's a phone inside! A satellite phone!" Xin Li frowned and said regretfully.

At that time, she panicked when she saw the zombies coming. She couldn't even put on her shoes, and she was so nervous that she didn't pick up her backpack.

Actually, there was a chance to pick it up at that time. Lin Xiajin didn't panic and had picked up her backpack…

When Lin Xiajin heard that her phone was in her backpack, she also took it seriously!

"We'll go and pick it up!" Lin Xiajin said after a moment of silence.

Xin Li's face drooped like a child who had done something wrong…

Lin Xiajin couldn't help but laugh. "You were arrogant in the past, but you've never had such an expression."

"You're not?" Xin Li asked.


The two of them had disliked each other in school…

"Actually, Fang Tingting is not dead. She left with the others," Xin Li suddenly said.

"… Not dead?…" Lin Xiajin was very happy to hear this.

Actually, she, Xin Li, had been abandoned, but she would never say that!

It's good that she's not dead…

"Your relationship with Fang Tingting is really good, but her relationship with Mengmeng is also very good, right?" Xin Li said.

Thinking of Mengmeng, that b*tch, Lin Xiajin felt helpless. Fang Tingting was innocent… and her family background was not bad…

Mengmeng was purely a green tea b*tch. Lin Xiajin looked down on her, and so did Xin Li.

"Liu Mengmeng. Her name is Mengmeng, so does she really think she's very cute?" Lin Xiajin looked disgusted at the thought of Liu Mengmeng.

"Actually, that day…" Xin Li still wanted to say something. But looking at Lin Xiajin's expression, it was better not to say anything now.

Otherwise, the relationship that had just eased would probably drop to the freezing point again. Moreover, she was only suspicious herself, and had no proof.

  1. An internet slang used to describe a young woman that likes to dress and act in a certain fashion in order to portray herself as pure and innocent — i.e. like green tea.
  2. Her name literally means 'cute'.