Beat and be Beaten

Long chapter this time but I am fairly proud of it! As normal let me hear your thoughts and I always welcome your advice!


Nicklaus walked through the dark back allies, his grey hood up over his head concealing his maroon-coloured hair that he had changed with his quirk. He couldn't do anything about his golden eyes but stretching out his features and making his face much gaunter meant that he practically looked like a different person altogether. Placing his hand on his chest he felt his quirk sense the structure of his body. Concentrating on the areas he wanted to change he felt his height change slowly, his body growing taller as his limbs stretched out. His athletic form became more wiry and gaunt to match his face. His hair curled a bit. His overly loose clothes reweaving and shaping around his body to better fit him.

Looking at himself in satisfaction as he passed the window of a dimly lit store he looked back at the alley that he had walked through. His eyes glanced over the dull pavements trying to look for any footprints in the puddles and disturbance in the air. Nothing. He wasn't being followed, at least he didn't think he was. Cracking his knuckles he turned back to look at the street that he was now walking down. The drizzling rain clinging to the ends of his hair that hung out the front of his hood. The other figures silently walked though the dull street keeping to their own business.

Smoke coiled around the top of a door frame as Nick walked up to it. His eyes glanced over the man that sat there, body hunched into the slight dry spot. The dregs of a cigarette hanging from his parched lips. His red dark green puffer jacket stippled with raindrops. Looking down at the man he got nothing but a cold gaze back. Seeing that the boy wasn't going to be leaving he spoke in a voice that sounded like glass and gravel, he was surprised he could even speak at all. "U'less oor gonna offer me another cig mate I su'jest you take your runty ass back home eh?"

Tilting his head Nick threw down a wad of cash into the man's lap. Looking at the wad and then back up at the maroon-haired kid he picked it up and thumbed through it. Eyes gazing around the street to make sure that none one else could see them. Taking the cigarette from his mouth he extinguished it against the wet stones. As he spoke in a bit clearer voice. "As much as I 'preciate the kind gesture… what do I owe yah for it eh?"

"The Masquerade. I'm here to dance." Nicklaus spoke, his voice deeper to an almost unnatural degree. The reverb being felt through his chest when he talked. He liked it in a way. It made him feel bigger, not so out of place.

"u'll get fucked in there boy." His voice was much colder. Coughing to clear his throat he spat up a nasty mix of flehm onto the boy's shoe. His face looked back up at him as he said. "Go home 'ile you still can." His eyes lacked clarity. Something wasn't right with his head… maybe he was talking to someone… a telepathic quirk?

Crouching down so that he was eye to eye with the man he stared at him as he said. "If you want to keep your head. I suggest you let me in." Nick said trying to put as much edge in his voice as he could. He didn't want to go through the front entrance. It would be too much of a hassle to get past the bouncers. This was easier.

Thinking for a moment the man held eye contact, waiting to see if the boy would break it. But they contained a maturity and steel that most people didn't have, this kid had seen things. Curiously he held the boy's eye contact as he activated his quirk, peering into the unguarded mind to be met with darkness.

Floating Miasma, clouds of dread and darkness clinging to his mind coiling around his thoughts. The snap of a thread… then nothing.

Pulling his mind back the man tried to steady his breathing. His skin paled and clammy as he just nodded his head. Knocking on the door twice. Waiting for a moment it swung open and a much burlier man looked through the frame. As he met the eyes of the boy who stood up from where he crouched he saw his colleague paled and shaking. Raising an eyebrow he lowered a pack of cigarettes and let the wiry man take one. Lighting it for him with a metal lighter.

Looking back up at the kid he stepped to the side as he said. "You hear for the watchers' stands or to get in the ring?" His gaze looked over the boy that couldn't have been older than fifteen at most. Tall but wiry but the lean muscles were clear even through the baggy clothes.

Responding in a calm voice although his eyes didn't leave the wiry man, wondering what had happened he spoke after a moment of thought. "I am here to fight."

Receiving a nod from the man who didn't question it. People liked seeing kids get beaten sometimes, this wasn't a nice place so he didn't see a reason to stop it from happening. Let the kid do what the kid wanted. Turning he walked down the hall letting the kid follow behind him. The click of the door shutting behind them echoed down the corridor like the closing of a cage. Nick was in too deep to leave now.

Following the man past a set of stairs that led upwards to what he assumed was the aforementioned watcher's seats, people who wanted a better view so they could evaluate people to hire for their businesses etc. they continue further down until they headed down a flight of stairs and through a large set of double metal doors. As he walked out into a room full of benches and beaten up metal lockers he heard the loud cries of people hit his ears. A clear view through a large tunnel that led into the underground ring. Seats surrounded it in layers letting the crowd of cheering spectators cheer on the gruesome scene.

Kendo Rappa was currently in the ring beating the ever-living shit out of someone who was doing their best to defend against rapid and savage bullet punches from the hulking mass of muscle that Kendo was. Watching the scene he couldn't help but narrow his eyes in nerves… he was planning to fight that?

Honestly, he had planned this out. He had found an excuse to go to Osaka, telling his parents he was doing further studies with a scientist that lived in this city around the field of aquatic quirks. After some papers and a few phone calls with the right people, he managed to get a few official forms for a temporary placement and study. Because of his keen intellect and expertise in biology and modifications of organics, it wasn't too hard. He did have to ask his father for some help though through his connections.

He had come here to train under Rappa, he had thought this through. He wanted to learn to fight before going to U.A. After all the events of the main plot would start pretty quickly after he got into the high school so he doubted he would get a lot of experience in the first few weeks before the U.S.J incident. This meant he wanted good training as soon as possible.

Nothing helped you learn quicker than with real danger on the line, actually consequences that forced you to learn and adapt. So he wanted an extreme situation and the only person he could think of that was a really good fighter was Rappa, at least he was the only one that he thought he could actually get to coach him. If he showed toughness and grit he was sure that Rappa would agree to coach him. The danger of the ring would help him learn quickly. While he would have rather done this through less dangerous means he needed to grow. He was willing to go very far to achieve those lengths short of actually hurting and maiming others.

Being dragged from his thoughts by a loud crash he looked up to see Rappa's opponent pummeled and beaten against the wire of the cage. The surge of roars echoed throughout the underground arena as the crowd cheered for Rappa's victory. Tilting his head to the side he listened in to what Rappa was yelling.

"Does anyone else dare to step into the ring with THE RAPPER!" Hearing the crowd go wild he saw Rappa standing in the middle of the sawdust and sand-covered floor. Patches of it stained red with dried blood that also caked the rim of the ring where people had their heads bashed against it.

Hearing the crowd start to go silent Rappa lowered his fists as he called out again, "come on! Surely someone wishes for a chance at glory?" Although the crowd despite their cheering didn't step up. No one was willing to fight the kind of the Masquerade… he was just that good.

Nick was looking down the tunnel when he felt a hand on his back, the bigger man giving him a push as he said in a tone more implying it was an order than a request. "You came here to fight? Go fight." Matching the man's eyes for a moment Nick turned away from him and walked down the tunnel and into the spotlights that shone down onto the cage.

Seeing someone approaching Rappa turned to face them, eyes settling on the kid that was walking towards him. The kid's shoulders were hunched forward but his body was lean and posed to strike. Hearing the crowd cheer as the kid climbed into the cage. The door into the ring was locked behind him as he walked to the opposite side of the ring that Rappa stood at. "Look at this young bloke coming into the ring. Braver than you lot just watching from the stands!" His voice contained a tone of aggression that the crowd seemed to love.

Turning back towards the kid he said. "Well let's get this fight started eh little guy?" Taking a step forward and preparing to get ready to attack. He wasn't going to go all out against a kid but he was going to give them a show. He also needed to be cautious because he didn't know the boy's quirk.

"Wait," Nick spoke up, voice booming through his chest. Loud enough that the people in the front rows could hear him clearly. Pointing at Rappa who had halted his progress Nick continued. "I want you to teach me how to fight. What conditions do I have to meet for that to happen?" His tone was serious. His golden eyes filled with determination.

Seeing the kid's metal Rappa smiled widely as he said. "I like your grit kid. Tell you what. If you can last one round and still be able to stand back up then I'll teach you everything I know huh? How about it!" His smile broadened. He doubted the kid could do it but if he could? Then he wouldn't have a problem training some runt.

Smiling Nicklaus tilted and nodded his head. A round huh? Ten minutes… that wouldn't be possible if he wasn't normal and hadn't fortified his body. He should be able to make it if Rappa didn't go all out. He knew that the man had a sense of honour even when he was working with Kai so that meant that he wasn't likely to go all out on a kid. Nick didn't like that his hopes were being balanced on a 'should' but he couldn't do much about it now.

Raising his fist into his self-taught fighting pose he met eyes with the bigger man. Now seeing Rappa up close he was tall, well over six foot. Nick was only five foot six inches so he was towered over by this man who stomped towards him. His built muscle showed and his metal gloved hands winded back for the first punch of the match as the timer ticked down.


Throwing himself backwards as the fist hit the air where Nick was standing he felt the air go past him and was about to sigh with relief but was forced to raise his arms in an x over his chest to block the fist that would have broken his ribs badly. He felt his arms buckle under the blow and thanked himself for the modified skin he had. If not for the extra durability and denser bones both his forearms would have broken from that one punch. And he could tell that the rapper was holding back.

Feeling his back smash into the cage as he was thrown back he didn't have time to think or recover as he threw his head to the side not paying attention to the metal-covered fist that slammed into the cage bar bending it back as he used his height to his advantage dropping down to the floor as he put his hands on the ground and moving his feet up. Staying out of the range of Rappa's fists if he didn't bend down. Knowing that he had no way to dodge strongarms punches with how fast they moved he had to stay out of the range of his arms.

Hands against the ground he pushed his feet forward feeling them both impact the man's chest sending him back a few steps and letting Nick continue the movement and push off with his hands to spring back onto his feet. The crowd cheered wildly at the unexpected blow against the champion's chest.

His arms ached and bruises were already forming but he paid them no mind. Putting his hand against his chest he turned his pain off. He wouldn't heal unless he had to, best to keep his cards close to his chest. If Rappa saw that he could heal he wouldn't hold back in order to drain the kid of his stamina and energy before taking him down.


Damn this was going to be tough.

Getting his feet back under him The Rapper was a bit wide eyed, the kid had moved faster than he thought he could and since he wasn't trying he had been caught by surprise, the kid's battle instincts were impressive but the force of his kick was even more so. It hadn't hurt but he had pushed him back, even with his solid footing. "You're an impressive kid but your gonna need to do better than that!"

Trying to stay low to the floor to keep The Rapper swinging down he waited for the larger man to come to him again. Dodging the first attack by a hair as he felt the other fist impact the side of his ribs at high speeds sending him smashing into the cage once again. Without thinking he moved his body as fast as he could hearing the smash of metal on metal as he knew that The Rapper was attacking already again.

Seeing that The Rapper was taking it more seriously he could do nothing but dodge, dodge and weave and tanked the impacts of each and every fist that slammed into his body over and over again. Moving he felt the fist brush past his head his speed growing as he got used to moving. But for every blow that he was able to dodge he was hit by three more and the blows were withering away at his strength. Every punch being met with resounding cheers and jeers from the crowd.

Backing up The Rapper held his hands out as if inviting the kid to attack. "Come on kid was only one hit all you could get in! How about you stop dodging and start hitting!"


Half way.

Dashing forward The Rapper let out a flurry of blows each faster than the last giving Nicklaus no opportunity to dodge any of them feeling his body start to fail as his vision swam Nick desperately reached out with his quirk and targeted his own body forced his muscles beyond their limit for a small moment as he crouched down below one of The Rappers punches, watching shock fill the eyes of his opponent he didn't even pay attention to the crowd, their wild roar white noise as he used his quirk.

Using the shock to his advantage he threw a fist forward with all his force feeling his fist impact Rappa's chest and pushing his quirk into the punch forcing the flesh to bruise and pinch from the impact.

Eyes widening in shock The Rapper felt shooting pain through his chest as he looked down at the kid. He wasn't even using his quirk properly, he didn't know how he knew but he did. The kid was holding back too. His wild grin grew as pain lanced through his chest turning savage as he showed his teeth in a manic grin from the heat of battle. Shocked by the pain though he didn't have time to react to the next attack.

Springing up and releasing the momentum in his legs he put one foot against the bars of the cage and pushed off with every fibre of his enhanced muscles causing the bar to bend as he went between The Rappers' arms other leg swinging around and impacting the side of The Rappers' head as a crack resounded through the Arena. Nick was fighting back.


Feeling pain lance through his foot he felt The Rappers' vice like grip around his ankle before he was swung and thrown harshly into the far side of the cage. He felt his ribs and arms break from the impact. The grip had shattered his ankle. He had to heal. Luckily he could do that without exploding into mist since he had worked on his control.

Rolling into a crouch he felt the wave of his quirk through his body as his bone straightened and in front of the eyes of both The Rapper and the crowd his bruising disappeared and his ankle straightened in an instant. Standing up from where he was crouching he looked at The Rapper as the man raised his hand and holding his jaw cracked it back into place, the ugly purple swelling coming up against his skin making his eyes look even more feral than before. There was fire now.


Dashing forward he threw a fist out using his longer arms to make sure that the kid wouldn't have a chance to touch him. His quirk seemed to work through his hands.

Unexpectedly the kid didn't dodge completely though. Staring at his eyes as he felt his fist impact the boy's shoulder, the boy had tilted just enough to have the fist impact his shoulder instead of his head, as the sickening crunch sounded throughout the arena as Nicklaus' shoulder was completely smashed. Although his other hand had already grabbed The Rappers' wrist.

Suddenly as if his stamina was pulled from him he watched as some of his fat and muscle faded instantly from his body, only an ever so slight amount, and the kid's shoulder crunched back into place. His left hand gripping much tighter as his right arm suddenly bulked by a fraction but he could tell the muscles condensed massively. His fist shot forward at insane speeds and sent The Rapper crashing into the far side of the cage.

Nick stared at the Rapper as the dull roar of blood in his ears drowned out the sound of the crowd. He couldn't even see the timer anymore as his vision swam. The heat of the battle caused his blood to pump through his veins as his heart hammered in his chest. He didn't know fighting was so so much fun. He wasn't planning on using his quirk at all really. He was just going to pretend to have a healing quirk and be done with it but this was too much fun. He knew he shouldn't. A part of his mind cried at him to stop and think before it was too late. Only Kendo would have seen his arm bulk because it was that light. Only Kendo would really know his quirk was more than just healing.

But it felt good, this power and strength that he had taken from Kendo? He liked it… no. He had to settle. He couldn't risk his future over one fight. He couldn't, it was dumb. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life fighting in underground rings until he was hired by some big shot for something else. Waiting for Kendo to get back up he looked at the timer.


Calming down he spread the extra muscle and mass throughout his body causing strength to increase. He wouldn't finish this fight. He would outlast the timer though. Energy restored from the mass he took from Kendo he locked eyes with the man for just a moment before Kendo was in front of him. Even faster than before. It was like some limiter had broken on the man.

Unable to dodge he tanked the blows over and over using the extra mass and muscle again and again to heal and keep himself awake from the barrage that threatened to knock his lights out. Kendo wasn't holding back any more. The drained muscle was all that was keeping him from killing Nicklaus in the assault.

Every blow was met by a cheer from the crowd that had stood up from their seats now glancing at the time and the fight as both fighters started to slow down.

With every blow that Nick received, he brushed his fingers against Kendo over and over taking just enough to keep himself on his feet but with the damage he was taking Kendo was slowing visibly.

"TEN!" He heard the crowd shout as he finally was able to dodge beneath a blow.

"Nine!" He swung his own fist only to be blocked by the arm of Kendo who despite the drain reacted faster than Nick could follow.

"EIGHT!" Nick pulled back from the clash as he tried to regain his strength.

"SEVEN! SIX!" Kendo rushed forwards with a last burst of strength his fist shot forward faster than Nick's eyes could even follow.

"FIVE!" He felt the impact rock his brain back and forth in his skull as he was thrown into the cage. Kendo not even following up on that attack. He had put his all into it. If the kid stood up again he would win.

"FOUR!!" Nick lay on the sawdust head swimming. His body wasn't reacting to his commands. He felt sick.

"THREE!!!" Shakily Nick got his knuckles against the ground. He didn't even have the strength or brain function to heal himself.

"TWO!!!!" The crowd hollered as Nick threw up as pushed himself to his knees. Sheer will dragging his body up from the floor as Kendo stood straight and looked on. Looking at Nick who was about to topple.

"ONE!!!!!" The crowd cried as Nick stood straight. Blood ran from his temple, nose and mouth as his broken jaw hung to the side. Standing tall as he stared at Kendo.

As the clock ticked to Zero and the crowd cried out at the victory of the unknown Kid Kendo just smiled, he would teach this kid. He had gut and talent. He would forge this kid into the best fighter he bloody well could. As soon as the timer hit zero he watched as Nicklaus toppled forward. Dashing forward he caught the kid in his arms as he saw his eyes swimming. "Let's get you to the doctor here huh little man?"

Nodding his head Nick was about to respond but he couldn't, his mouth felt like sand. Shaking his head Kendo just said, "I'll keep you safe, I'm your coach now after all. Lights out, little man." His words were the last thing Nicklaus heard as he felt his world fade to black.