First Day

For the first time since Nick came into this world, he felt like he slept peacefully. His mind wasn't plagued by dreams of who he was. He knew that he would never be able to forget the memories. But maybe overcoming some of his doubts had helped him grow… lighter.

He woke in the morning just like any other. His mind felt, free. He hadn't seen his death, for the first time in what felt like forever. It was amazing.

Breakfast was fairly uneventful as his dad had slept over in the office working on whatever big project he was doing. It wasn't really abnormal to not see him around home much. It almost felt like the first few years of his childhood when his dad would stay to himself in his workshop. Although he was alright with it, unlike then it was because of work not just because he was avoiding having to be a dad.

His mum was sleeping in like normal so he would leave her something on the stove. Something so that she wouldn't have to make breakfast for herself when she got up. He simply made himself some toast and bacon. He would have done pancakes but he had to get to school.

As he caught the train he tried to organize his thoughts better, for what he was planning on doing in the future now. What his goals were. He wanted to be stronger, to protect himself and the people that really mattered to him. He wanted to be able to have a safe and stable future.

He also wanted to have an impact on the future, whether it was his desire to make his second life mean something of a feeling of responsibility for being in a world he didn't belong in, he didn't know. But he felt that it was a mix of both, he didn't belong here. Yet he was, if he didn't do something to help people when he knew that he could he would feel terrible… it was like he was just going to watch a building burn when he could have just put out the match that started the fire. If he could stop the tragedies of the plot from happening then he would try, he didn't have a reason not to. However, if it ever really endangered his life or the life of someone he cared about? He would leave it to the main cast.

He would help Midoriya if it didn't cost him, but he still would do that. He didn't have a reason not to give the kid a few not so friendly pushes in the right direction. He honestly didn't like the kid, he never did anything for himself before he got One for All. He just said he wanted to be a hero but never acted on it, he didn't even exercise…

He needed to try to find Mirio, he was a real hero. He had a hard quirk but he had made it work, he had become someone who was strong, the best at U.A. by purely his own efforts, despite his quirk. He had tried and fallen and then gotten back up until he succeeded, he actually admired the guy. He was also the age that Nick had died in his old life so he didn't have a problem with being friends with him, not at all. He could even help enhance the guy physically if the dude let him.

He also wanted to meet Amajiki, since he would be able to look at more organics from him and how his body changed but he would get to that soon enough.

Feeling the train stop Nick panicked a bit as he looked at the stop he was at and sighed in relief as he saw that it wasn't one past his, he had gotten lost in thought and his anxieties had just hit him like a truck at that moment. The train ride took way longer than a few minutes he should just, relax… yet he still pulled his phone out and checked where he was on maps.


The first half of the day was boring as hell, he had to actually go to school. He had honestly forgotten what school was like, he hadn't been in 15 years… no, 17. He hadn't been for some years in his past life as well since he became a baker's apprentice.

What was important was he forgot how fucking boring it was. Like he actually did nothing. Present Mic, the English teacher just made English lessons even more unbearable because you just could not tune out and he was always trying to get everyone involved. What was worse was he found out that Nick was American… so he was always called upon. Since Nick spoke fluent English he was the one asked to answer questions when inevitably no one raised their hands.

When lunch break came around Nick was prepared to quit U.A. But at least he could do something he wanted to do now. As soon as lunch break came Nick made his way down to the cafeteria. He had been asked by some of his classmates to eat with them but he had politely declined, he didn't want to. He had someone else that he wanted to meet.

Although it didn't work out. He couldn't find him. As soon as Nick got to the lunch hall he tried to find Mirio and the rest of the big three but they weren't eating in the mess hall. It made sense to be honest, being the best at U.A. must mean that others wanted to talk to you all the time, it was probably bothersome.

Sighing in defeat he gave up looking for now, he would meet him eventually, he could try to find him tomorrow or something but for now, he actually did need to eat. Going back to the mess hall he got some food and sat down at an empty table at the edge of the cafeteria and started to eat by himself.

The food was bloody amazing, like ridiculously good. And he was enjoying his lunch, the first part of his day that he was actually able to relax in. But of course, that was interrupted.

Hearing footsteps he looked up and saw Midoriya walking towards him. Letting out a sigh he prepared himself to face the mental burden that this kid was, really he was a walking disaster with overactive tear glands and a strange romanticism of being beaten.

"u-uh Hendrix sir… I was wondering i-if you had a moment?" His voice was meek and barely audible over the loud clatter of the cafeteria. With his mouth full of food Nick just looked at the green haired boy before he motioned for him to continue.

"I n-never properly thanked you for healing m-me yesterday so I just wanted to say thank you! I hope that we can work well together in Heroics." Midoriya managed to stutter out.

Sighing Nick didn't even respond just waving him off like it didn't matter. He was desperately hoping now that he was not paired with Midoriya. Like honestly, that was a red flag and he hated it.

Looking like he wanted to say something else he nervously picked at his fingers before giving up and running back to his table. Sitting back down with the rest of class 1-A. Some of them looked over at him but he didn't look back, simply continuing to eat his food.


As they came back from lunch and back into the classroom Kirishima approached him and said. "Hey man! You were so manly during the Quirk Apprehension test!" His voice was cheerful, looking at him Nick smiled.

Responding simply Nick said, "thanks, you did well yourself." His voice was polite as he tried to excuse himself but Kirishima followed him to his desk. To be honest, Nick didn't mind the red haired boy. Yeah, he was alright. A bit weird but everyone in any manga was kinda.

"Well, I was wondering man. Why did you sit by yourself at lunch? Some of us were wondering and just want to make sure you feel welcome man!" His voice was cheerful yet curious as he questioned.

"Ah, I have… some friends that I was planning on sitting with. I also just like being alone sometimes. No need to concern yourself." Nick responded dismissively as he waved off the question. Sitting down at his desk as he did so. The class was soon to start after that just as Kirishima was about to ask another question All Might's voice cut through the air.

"IT'S MEEE!" The voice silenced everyone in the room as he came in through the door followed by his comment. "THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!"

Honestly, it makes sense someone like this chose Midoriya of all people as his heir… hell even Kirishima was a better choice. Mirio certainly. But nope…

As people started babbling about the silver age costume Nick was just excited to finally get started with today's proper events. It had taken long enough. Smiling a bit Nick watched as the hero came in through the door and start explaining.

"Foundational Hero Studies! With this, we'll be building up your Hero Foundation through trials and tribulations!" Turning towards the front of the class he threw his hand forward holding a sign that just read 'battle'. "Let's jump right in with the trail of BATTLE!"

"And to go with your first battle… We've prepared the gear we had you send in requests for to match your quirks!" As the wall next to Nick started to slide out and from it, multiple cases were shown as the students all excitedly ran towards the wall ready to get here battle gear.

Getting told to get changed all the students excitedly rushed out of the room and towards the changing rooms. Nick followed but at a not nearly as rushed pace.

Hearing from behind them as they left the room, "and don't forget! From here on out, you're all officially heroes!"

Actually feeling kind of pumped up Nick got to the changing rooms and put on his costume. As he walked out of the corridor and into the light, behind his fellow classmates he saw the rest of their costumes were the same as cannon. Midoriya was just ahead of him in his stupid green jumpsuit.

Nick was wearing black and gold armour around his shoulders and going down his back, each plate trimmed with a golden colored metal, a collar protecting his neck from being grabbed. The golden accents around the edges and cutting through the middle in mechanical symmetry.

His grey hair floated slightly from his quirk and his eyes glowed with a golden light as he kept his quirk ready for use. The cracks below his eyes flowed with the molten sun-burnt gold light that shone through parts of his dark grey shirt. His legs were black combat pants leading to black combat boots. Loose pockets all over the exterior of his pants.

As he walked out into the light he smiled as he raised his chin, the gold trims catching the light. His eyes still shining despite the light of the sun. He was ready, he was ready to start living in this world for real. To make it his own, he would live a life that he could be proud of, he would become strong. Strong enough to protect the things that he loved. And strong enough to make a difference. He wasn't Andrew any longer, he was Nicklaus Hendrix, son of Markus and Amy Hendrix. He was ready.


Hey everyone! Sorry for the late chapter. I have been really busy today and just had time to sit down properly but I still wanted to get one out before I went to bed!

Thank you for all the support so far! And also let me know what you think of the chapter. I don't really know what I think of it but I am very tired lmao so I am worried it is as shit as I think it is.

Also spoiler for the next chapter, Nick won't be working with Midoriya despite the red flag, might be on the opposing team so he can hand out an ass beating but won't be on the same team as him.

I planned to include the battle in this chapter but I really need some sleep. I don't think I can do the battle justice with how tired I am right now. I will try to get two out tomorrow though since I might have time!