
Walking into the training room Nick stretched his arms a bit as he felt a wave of power pass through his muscles loosening them up. Crouching down he felt the ground beneath his hand before standing back up. Getting used to moving around he decided he would test his new strength.

Walking over to the wall where the punching bags hung from he grabbed one designed to withstand strength quirks and hung it from one of the thickest chains that dangled from the ceiling. Shaking his hands out he walked over to it before putting his hand against the bag. As he brought the other one back.

Swinging his fist hard he felt the impact recoil through his shoulder as the bag was thrown up and slapped against the ceiling before swinging back down. Sidestepping the bag's attempt at revenge he watched it swing back and forth…

Before he had barely been able to make the bag wave a bit… Looking at his hand he clenched and relaxed it over and over as he watched the muscles move beneath the skin. Looking over the structure of his muscles they were much much denser. Each strand had a new structure compared to normal human muscles. The material it was made out of was a lot stronger as well, he understood it was similar to the mechanical muscles he had developed but it had been transferred to organics.

He had tried to do it before, more than once actually. But every time he did his body wasn't accepting the change permanently and was rejecting the growth of these muscles. Maybe his body was able to start to understand them better when he merged with the Nomu?

He knew that Kyudai Garaki was someone that could make a body comparable to All Might through just organics. He had done so with Tomura, at least quirks might have assisted the creation. It was purely constructed from what he remembered at least. Built to be able to withstand All for One even in an incomplete state he was strong enough to take on heaps of heroes without his quirks… it was shocking.

He wanted to be able to achieve that. Feeling his body now he knew that it was possible. He just had to overcome the barriers and truly let his body start to understand the structure so that his cells could recreate it. That was probably the block he was having before. Despite being able to theoretically do something the practical sometimes varied greatly. Nodding his head as he started to wrap around the thoughts better he was about to start wailing on the bag but the door opening interrupted him.

"Shit little guy, I guess I can't call you that anymore. Nah, you'll always be little guy to me. Why are you so tall now mate?" Kendo said as he swung the doors open and walked over to him. Using his hand to indicate that they were almost the same height as he did so. Smiling Nick was honestly happy to see the brute after all this time.

It was only a couple of days but with all that had happened it felt like ages. Walking over he said with a small smirk on his lips. "Oh nothing much, I made some development with my quirk so I was able to be more freely effect myself. I was looking to maybe fight in the ring later. But for now how about a spar huh? It's been a good while since I had my ass kicked." Nick responded, lying through his teeth as he said that. He had been given the beating of his two lives just yesterday.

Standing there for a moment Kendo just nodded his head before saying, "Let's spar then little guy."

A bit confused about Kendo's change in demeanour Nick just nodded silently as he walked over to his normal corner. Cracking his neck before he got into a fighting stance. The one he normally used.

Dashing forward Kendo started straight away with full-speed bullet punches. Not holding back at all as he started to hammer blow after blow towards where Nick was.

Nick was shocked, he didn't know how to respond since against him Kendo had never gone all out but how it seems no punches were being pulled. Gritting his teeth Nick did his best to dodge and block attacks. And it was hard, but he was doing it. About half of the attacks he was able to redirect as he started to block them. Feeling something in the air shift to his right he moved his body on instinct only for a punch to graze against his head.

He could feel the air moving. Shifting as feedback against his skin. His perception of the surroundings heightened as he acknowledged the feeling. He could feel it. Kendo's movements.

Feeling the blows wearing him down he started to move to let the new feeling, the feedback from the shifting air give him foresight into attacks that he normally wouldn't be able to see coming. His quirk was faster than his eyes, far faster now that it had awakened.

With each blow that he blocked, he started to feel the strain build up in his arms, he would outlast this onslaught. He just had to last a few seconds.

Deflecting a blow to his right he tanked one to his left but managed to slip past the next right. Picking the blows that would hit him since he couldn't block or dodge them all. He had to just make sure they didn't hit vital areas.

Finally, Kendo slowed.

And Nick attacked.

Blocking a blow with his forearm Nick spun his hand around as he grabbed the wrist of the fighter attempting to lock down his movements but with another blow to his right ribs his grip loosened enough for Kendo to pull his wrist free. Nick couldn't trap him.

Starting to trade blows back and forth Nick felt that every time he landed a punch, although he didn't land many. It had an impact.

Pulling from his reserves Nick healed the worst of his bruises and replenished his energy. Each blow he blocked he tried to counter. His style became more and more aggressive as he let more blows hit his body. Whittling away his strength but Nick tanked them all. He would take them.

With each blow, Nick started to have made Kendo stumble as Nick slammed punches into the man. Normally no one could attack Kendo since they couldn't get past the rain of blows. Nick didn't give a single shit about them though. He was durable enough that he wouldn't be knocked out and he could heal any damage he took. He could tank this and then dish damage back.

Beating Kendo he was surprised by the man's durability but soon the man was forced to his knees after a punch landed right on his stomach caving in the flesh around the fist. Watching Kendo drop to a knee Nick spun his foot around to kick the side of the head but was blocked by a forearm that spun around grabbing the leg above the knee.

Pulling forward Nick let himself go as he lifted his other leg and spun around pulling Kendo into a roll as he spun in the air. Landing with his knee hitting the floor hard he continued his movement breaking Kendo's hold and rolling back to his feet. The other man panted on his back as he coughed a little blood.

"I call it Little Man, ah that last one hurt like a bitch. For some home improvements, you really are stronger." His voice was shaky. Walking to the bag of oats he pulled them over before leaving one hand inside put the other on Kendo's chest healing the man's internal damage. The strike had broken more than one rib.

Sitting back against the floor Nick was looking at Kendo with one thought in his mind… 'Holy shit I won.' If he hadn't been using his quirk at all he would have lost. But all he had done was heal himself. Focusing on tanking the damage. Hell if he had used his quirk properly Kendo wouldn't stand a chance but still. Nick was proud of himself. Kendo was a master of fighting. And Nick had worn him down.

"Yeah, thanks… god I can't believe I beat you. Why did you go so hard though? You normally hold back." Nick said as he used some oats to replenish his energy. He had used a lot during the fight.

"Because you've changed. I wanted to see your new character. You're reckless, brutal. You fought with more than just the purpose to grow stronger now. You're fighting because you want to… am I right?" Kendo replied. Sitting up as he also lent against a box, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths.

"uh… yeah. I guess so. I had quite a bit of shit go down yesterday and I guess I just needed to… let out some steam. I honestly am confused about where I am with my life but I feel freer than I ever have before. Like I can just… I don't know. Live." Nick's voice was somewhat quiet as he opened up.

"I get that little man, I do. I fight for the thrill, for a fight that will get my blood pumping. And you got it moving kid. I have never fought someone that Tanked my blows. Fought this guy that was able to keep up with them, but never someone that just took them all and hit back harder." Readjusting himself Kendo continued. "You've always had the feeling that you were holding back, so I did too. Like you didn't want to do this for anything but to be able to defend yourself, so I taught you to defend. But now? You looked like you had fire Kid… A fight in you. Like you were now fighting for something. I don't even know your name nor do I want to if you are not going to share it. But you feel like you're living. Like you were fighting for something. I've never been good at talking so sorry if I am confusing but. You've changed kid, for the better. Keep on living, whatever goal you have. Hold onto it."

Nodding his head Nick didn't know how to respond. His gaze just looked over Kendo, he had first thought that this man was just a violent man who thrived on bloodshed and violence but Kendo was a lot more than that. Nodding his head Nick said, "Thanks… I do have something I want to be now, something more than just seeing the next day. I almost died yesterday. Got over some things because of it though." Standing up he brushed his knees off as he thought about something, he wasn't someone much for talking, but he felt that opening up a bit wasn't too bad after all. "Call me Andrew…"


Nick fought in the ring that day, under the name Andrew. Beating down opponents with a fighting style that did nothing for defence. Every blow that hit him was met with harder retaliation and soon he was reaping up a winning streak. Honestly, this style matched him. If he was using his full quirk he wanted people to hit him. He didn't care if anything touched him. He could break it down.

But he didn't do that here. He stuck to healing himself. Draining wood chips from the floor for energy when he needed it but with his speed, barely many people could keep up. He felt strong, punches were sending people into the bars with enough force to break bones. He was hard to keep up with for most people. And those that could hit him couldn't really hurt him. Nick felt free. Andrew felt free.

As the day came to an end Nick was unwrapping his knuckles. Going to the changing room he grabbed another shirt. A loose one that hung from his shoulders with short sleeves. Black so that blood didn't show too much on it. Seeing that no one was around he changed his shirt quickly. He didn't want to convert any externals in this form unless he absorbed them. It was good to keep his distance. Despite his more outgoing nature, the underground fighter Andrew should stay separate from Nick. Considering Nick could change his appearance if anyone thought about his quirk, he didn't want to take chances but he doubted it would happen.

He was here to fight, however. So he didn't have a problem with it.

Knowing that no one was around, especially thanks to his newly noticed 'air sense,' since he could feel where the air 'wasn't' in a strange way. He was more confident in his sensory abilities.

Taking his shirt off he looked down at the black scar on his chest, the carbon skin cold to the touch still despite the heat from the rest of his body. It was the one thing he hadn't been able to get rid of. It was held there, it was more than just a wound on his body, for some reason he felt his thread was tied through it in a way. It was strange. But he couldn't really affect it that well. It would shift and change with him when he changed form, but it would never completely leave him.

Putting another shirt on he grabbed the last of his stuff. He needed to get home soon.


Someone had followed him. He didn't know who they were but their figure was light and limber. He couldn't only feel them when they got close enough but his range was pretty large. Getting to a location under a bridge that he normally changed form at he crouched down and reached into his bag like he was trying to find something…

Good, they had followed under the bridge. He had felt them go into a bush but couldn't really feel them after that, it was hard enough as is to feel someone as it was but add in distortion like waving leaves? Not possible. At least he felt them go into it. But he hadn't seen them do it… some type of stealth quirk maybe? Standing up he moved past the bush like he was about to leave but as soon as he got there he reached into it as fast as he could.

He felt them. Grabbing whoever it was out of the bush he held them by the upper arm as he pulled them out and into the light. It was hard to focus on them. As if his mind didn't want to see them but since he was staring right at them he was forced to see them. Honestly. If he wasn't holding onto their arm he swore they wouldn't have existed to him.

He could feel where their body was still, but his eyes didn't want to focus on them and whenever he blinked he forgot what they looked like.

"Why are you following me," Nick said, his tone a low growl, he didn't like that he was being followed.

"I was just told to b-by Ratu m-man, I swear! R-Ratu just wanted to know w-where you w-went after you left the club s-so he sent me after you! I swear that i-it man!" The man replied desperately as he didn't even attempt to fight back.

Seeing how easily the person panicked and the nature of what must have been their quirk he figured it was the truth they were clearly shocked enough that they had been found in the first place. He saw no reason they would have lied to him. And even if they did he didn't think he would be able to drag out anything different.

But Ratu? The gruel maker? Why did he want to know where he went? It was none of his business.

Not thinking the man would have anything more. From what he knew Ratu basically lived in the kitchen and barely ever left it, disclosing almost no information about what he was doing. All he knew was that the guy had a lot of oats.

Punching the person in the face hard enough to knock him out and snap his head back he dropped them to the floor. Being able to see them without whatever effect their quirk had been doing he finally got a good look at their shaggy to the point of homeless appearance. Unshaved face and greasy brown hair was a tangled mess. Clothes torn and unchanged… Shaking his head he just felt around with his air sense.

Feeling no one else he weaved his way through alleys before changing when he was sure no one was there. Fading into the crowd he started to make his way back home. Although with a lot of questions.


Saying goodbye to Garry and Micheal he left, Aunt Cass was out somewhere but he would be back for the weekend… maybe. He might avoid the Masquerade for a bit because of what happened but he wanted to talk to Ratu, at least beat something out of the man. It was bothering him. He wasn't surprised that more attention was coming his way, hell he made a few scenes today but still something was telling him he should be careful.

The train ride was relaxing and soon he was home. His dad was back and after another round of concerns and explanations, he managed to make his way to bed. His dad had been easier than his mum to deal with but still, the man was clearly worried and apologized way too many times for having missed the news. He clearly had wanted to further explain himself but kept on saying he wasn't allowed to say much because of a contract quirk.

With that out the way, Nick had gotten to bed. Ready for tomorrow… he had received an email to be in school an hour early. Nezu wanted to speak to him about something. Sighing he figured his day would be eventful tomorrow as well.


Thanks for all the support as normal! Really excited to get back to U.A. next chapter and start preparing for the sports festival!

Also staring some new sub-plots. I don't want to just follow along with the main story all the time and now that Nick is opening up to the world he will start seeing other things apart from the plot which he was laser-focused on.

Reviews and Comments are always welcome! I always love seeing your ideas, sorry if I don't catch them all. This story is getting a lot more interaction than I thought it would when I started writing it so sorry if I miss your comments!