First Round

Going to the waiting room Nick heard the crowd's excited chatter dully echoing through the concrete walls, the sound of voices mingling into a mess he couldn't make out the words of. Walking beside Mezo who hadn't made it into the tournament during the original. He was against Ojiro who was just a weaker version of Mezo in a lot of ways, they were not exactly the same but close enough with their extra limbs. The tail kid would easily be beaten by Mezo in his mind. Although between Mezo and Bakugo he didn't know who would win.

As much as he liked Mezo he didn't think the boy could beat Bakugo yet, Bakugo, despite being a prick, was strong. Excluding Hendrix, he probably was the strongest in the class right now. At least while Todoroki held himself back. He was stronger than canon at least.

His rage and Hendrix's influence had driven him to do better to become the best. Since he had never once been able to win and more than once hadn't even become second. He thought of himself as weak.

Seeing everyone start to filter out of the room to go spend time preparing or relaxing as those that didn't make it to the tournament did various other activities. Choosing to sit in the hall that lead to the stadium grounds he sat against the wall as he looked out at everything that was happening.

Soon the events came to an end, Cementoss changing the stage with his quirk as Nick watched it all happen. Waiting to see what was going to happen. As he sat there soon he heard Present Mic calling out through the stadium. The sound made the crowd light up in cheers once more. People were so used to seeing others fight that it was normal for kids to battle until beaten in front of them. Chuckling at the thought he just shook his head.

"HEY GUYS, ARE YOUUU READY!?" His voice boomed throughout the stadium. "WE'VE GOT A BUNCH IN STORE FOR YOU!!" He continued as the crowd went wild.


As the opening speech shook the air he heard footsteps approaching from his right as he turned to look at them, seeing Shinso walked into the stadium just holding the side of his neck and said, "What? Were you waiting for me?" His voice was confused.

Shaking his head Nick just smiled slightly. Motioning for him to continue out into the stadium. Standing up he made his way out of the corridor and up into the stands of people. Shinso looks at his back as he grits his teeth. Hendrix knew his quirk… well he could still make it to the finals at least…

With Midoriya and Shinso being introduced over the speaker Nick finally made his way up to the student part of the stands. Looking out at the battle as he assumed it would go as canon.

Seeing Shinso say something he couldn't hear it but soon Midoriya was charging as soon as Present Mic yelled out, "START!!!"

With that Midoriya stopped in his tracks… shaking his head he saw the green-haired boy make his way to the edge of the stage towards Yagi who was peeking out from the corner. Sighing he leant back in his seat as events unfolded as expected.

It was like watching kids brawl… well it was kids brawling. They just threw punches without reason before Midoriya did something resembling a toss as Shinso was slammed onto his back losing the match.

"SHINSO'S OUT!" Midnight called causing the crowd to cheer, although it was weaker than the roars from before because the fight had literally ended in just a fistfight. Which was kind of boring.

Soon Midnight continued it with the crowd clapping for Midoriya and Shinso before the two exchanged words on the platform.

With that Todoroki's crushing win against Sero followed. The giant ice glacier shot out of the stadium and soon that was being cleared as Nick made his way down into one of the waiting rooms.

Hearing his name called as well as the compliments were thrown his way by Present Mic he just shook his head as he walked up into the stadium. Looking at Kaminari who was looking clearly nervous. Grinning at the other teen he just held eye contact until the match started.

Hearing the loud START echo throughout the stadium he saw Kaminari let out the most power he could as quickly as he could but the stone wall blocked it easily and he was quickly pulled underground up to his neck as the ground exploded around him. Being left their head above ground making dumb sounds he looked a the boy… honestly, the kid did interest him.

He was able to power a floating U.A. in the later parts of the Manga, his output was insane and yes he had help then but… honestly, he could be a lot stronger than he was now.

Hearing Midnight declare him the winner he turned and made his way back to the stands to watch the rest of the fights.

Yuga was beaten by Ashido. She danced around the laser and got close enough to punch him up the chin knocking him out cold.

Momo was beaten by Tokoyami in a fight that lasted longer than some expected, although he never gave her a chance to use anything that she could make forcing her onto the defence and soon out of the ring.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu fought in a mad rush of blows. Each trading and receiving. Nick expected it to go as canon but as the fight dragged out with the crowd getting into it the longer it got. He didn't expect Kirishima to start pulling ahead. He guess that in the week that he had helped the kid his skills had gone up just a touch.

With the martial skills he had learned his punches landed a little harder and he was able to dodge one or two more. His skin hardened more and more throughout the fight. It was interesting to watch but soon Kirishima stood over the knocked-out Tetsutetsu With a loud scream towards the sky signalling his victory. Smiling at the redhead as he looked up at him in the stands. He held a thumbs up which he gave back to the boy.

Then it was Shoji vs Ojiro.

Watching them both walk out onto stage he waited for his friend to look up at him before he gave him a simple nod, getting a nod back in return he waited for the match to start. Leaning forward slightly as he listened to Present Mic introduce them both.

As soon as Midnight called start they both rushed forward. Clashing two fists in the centre of the ring before Ojiro pushed himself up with his tail. Spinning around as he tried to use his tail to strike at Mezo. Combining his right arms he grabbed the tail but didn't lose the momentum that Ojiro had instead of using it as he held the fur on the end. Spinning around with the boy's momentum and throwing Ojiro as hard as he could.

As Ojiro felt the pull at the base of his spine as he was suddenly slung threw the air he spun so that he would land on his feet but he knew that with the arc of the throw he would land on the grass, his quirk couldn't stop him or change the direction of his flight in any way.

Gritting his teeth he hit the grass and rolled, killing the momentum as he stood up and looked at Mezo who was standing there as his arms unwound and turned back into separate limbs.

Letting out a sigh he stood straight and bowed politely towards Mezo who had clearly and fairly bested him. Seeing this Mezo's eyes widened a bit… before he bowed back himself. The crowd cheered at the sportsmanship as the two left the stage.

With the final fight of the first round coming Nick looked at both Bakugo and Ida as they stood up and made their way to the waiting rooms.

A few moments passed before both Bakugo and Ida made their way onto the stage. As they made their way up there Ida said something across the stage to Bakugo who just glared at the boy. A foul scowl was the only thing on his features as he clearly didn't care about whatever declaration Ida had made.

With Midnight seeing that the prefight talk wasn't going to happen as Ida had planned she raised her whip. Swinging it down a sharp crack sounded alongside her voice, "START!"

Dashing forward at speeds that others couldn't follow he planned to get Bakugo out of the ring as fast as he could but the bomb boy wasn't having any of it. As soon as the match started he had expected the sudden frontal assault that he would have trouble keeping up with and put both his hands in front of him.

At that same moment Ida appeared in front of him driving a fist into his gut but before the hand could really make an impact an explosion rang out through the arena blasting Ida at point-blank range. With the loud crackle of fire, Ida tumbled from the smoke and barely stayed inside the arena as he stood up shakily. His front was covered in burns as the smoke cleared with a wave of Bakugo's hands. Fire crackled in his palms as he glared at the fallen boy.

With his engines stalled Ida got ready to try and counter whatever Bakugo would do but was shocked when the boy didn't move from where he was standing instead spitting aggressively. "Get up! Your nothing but a warm up for beating the shit out of NICK SO get your ASS UP! At least be a warm up shit stain!"

Nick with his enhanced hearing heard this and his brows furrowed. Bakugo was aggressive, very very very aggressive. The rage was clear in his voice as Ida stood up although the boy's eyes were full of steel as he threw his broken glasses to the side. "I will not be called a shit stain by someone as foul and villainous as you! You are no hero as you are Bakugo!" The upright boy yelled back.

Dashing forward once more he waited for Bakugo to swing before stopping suddenly, driving his heels into the floor causing himself to fall backwards. With the strike going over the top of Ida, he waited for the explosion before his engines activated again.

With his back parallel to the floor, his legs came off the ground as he didn't try to run but instead propelled a kick into the shithead's chin.

With the strike landing cleanly on Bakugo he was thrown back a few steps as Ida landed on his palms and pushed himself from a handspring to his feet. But while his back was turned from the movement while being upside down Bakugo had already recovered.

Since he had known Nick, he was getting used to being hit, that strike was nothing compared to what Hendrix did.

With the thought of Hendrix filling the boy with rage he blew himself forward and swung another attack at Ida who had just righted himself but was suddenly thrown off his feet again by the blast.

Falling backwards he tried to balance himself but Bakugo had already thrown himself over and behind the boy with explosions propelling himself around the stadium arena.

With a hand planted firmly against Ida's back the explosion sent the boy tumbling out of the arena as he crashed into the grass… unmoving.

With a large gasp being taken in by the crowd Midnight in stunned silence for a moment stared at Ida before declaring Bakugo the winner with hesitation.

Soon Medics were on the field rolling Ida over but as they touched his neck and listened to his chest they held up the okay sign. He was okay just unconscious. It had looked brutal, and it was. But Ida was durable. With that the crowd let out a breath and as Bakugo was leaving he was stopped by a Hero who gave him a talking but he just glared at the man before walking into the waiting room area again not saying anything.

Shaking his head Nick saw the first round was over.

With a small break, Nick went and spoke to both Mezo and Eijiro complimenting them on their fights and talking about them. The second round was soon starting with the kick-off between both Todoroki and Midoriya.

Making his way back into the stands with his fellow first years he wondered how the senior years were doing. Mirio and Tamaki were probably kicking ass right now along with Nejire, he wishes he could have been in their year then he might have actually had to try during the events.

Going back to the stands he had to go piss so he told the two to go ahead without him. Making his way through the halls he was about to get to where he was going before he heard a voice behind him. The dancing shadows against the walls made it clear who it was. The light of the fire caused the shadows to shift and sway with the movement.

Turning around Nick spoke with his head held high. "Endeavor." Nick was standing eye to eye with the man. They were both the same height at 6'5 although Endeavor had a much broader frame. While Nick was more athletic and lithe.

"Hendrix," the flame hero responded. As if hesitating with what he was about to say, but only for the smallest of moments. "You have made quite a showing, in terms of raw power and manipulation you have shown both incredible physical strength and overwhelming physical manipulation."

Staring at the flame hero he just raised his eyebrow, why wasn't he having this talk with Midoriya. He had shown his power so there was no reason that Endeavor didn't seek him out because of the physical prowess that was similar to All Mights from just one finger.

"My Shoto has a duty to surpas-" Endeavor was about to continue but Nick cut him off.

"I don't give a shit. Whatever Shoto's duty is or whatever hard-on you have for being number one. I don't give a single fuck about it." Nick said, his voice holding no hesitation or fear despite speaking to the number two hero like he was. As Endeavor listened his face went from shock at being interrupted to rage at being talked down to.

"You dare-" He was about to say but Nick once more spoke up continuing what he was saying, not letting Endeavor interrupt him back.

"I do whatever I dare, whatever ball-shit your about to spout about me being a stepping stone for you son you can shove it up your egotistical and abusive ass." Nick spoke as he glared at the man, his face full of his own anger. Although it was anger it felt right. He always hated the character of Endeavor because of the abuse that he put his family through.

At least until he started to change, but Nick knew more than anyone, the past stayed with you like a festering wound clinging to mentality stopping all but the strongest from looking past it and doing what was right. Luckily for Endeavor, Shoto was strong and kind. He had overcome the past.

But that didn't stop what happened, it didn't make the past okay. A crime was a crime no matter how much of a saint someone became in the future.

Hell, he probably shouldn't have said the abusive part but was it really that hard to tell when you really looked at Endeavor? He didn't care, he could say he connected some dots after talking to Todoroki.

"Do you not have any fear of me burning you boy!" Endeavour said as he took a step towards Nick. The heat was in the hall uncomfortably hot.

"I am sure you got a report of the U.S.J because your son was involved… even on the brink of death I can come back, I am much more resistant to fire than others as well. Would you be able to turn the entirety of me to ash in less than a moment? Because from what I know to even get that heat on me you need to get real close. And I don't even need a moment to turn you to stone." His voice was cold as he stepped towards Endeavor. Getting close enough that there was barely any space between them. The flames licked at the edge of Nick's features although the burning skin was healed before it even was able to start to turn pink.

"If you want to fight Endeavor then lets see what happens to your career when you get destoryed by a teen, the same teen that is going to beat the shit out of your son. Don't worry though I'll do you a favor however… I will force him to use his flame if Midoriya does not. So head back to the stands, and watch the last fight of this tournament your son will win… got that?" Nick said as he stared into Endeavor's eyes for just a moment, just as the hero was about to respond he turned and walked away.

Walking out of the hall he reassembled the singed edges of his clothes before heading up into the stands and sitting next to Mezo. Bakugo sat to the side with a glare towards him.

Staring down at the kid there must have been something from his talk with Endeavor lingering in his gaze because Bakugo started to sweat a bit before he looked away.

That kid was nothing compared to the number two hero. He was sure that he could beat him yes, considering the only way that Endeavor could burn him enough to stop him from reforming himself was through touch, which would kill the hero. He knew it would be a very painful fight.

Sitting down he didn't realise the seat started shifting until Mezo said to him, avoiding contact. "Are you okay Nick?"

"Ah yeah, just spoke to someone that pissed me off… the egotistical bastard." Nick said through gritted teeth. Sighing as he looked forward. Shaking his head a bit he turned to Mezo and smiling dimly said, "don't worry I just need to get over myself, I'll be alright."

With both Midoriya and Todoroki already on stage, he looked at them as he waited for the fight to start which it shortly did.

And it went as expected, Todoroki started sending waves of Ice that Midoriya just shattered sacrificing fingers before Todoroki tried to advance only to be forced back by Midoriya using an arm.

Seeing them start to talk before Midoriya further fucked up his finger Nick just shook his head. It was what Midoriya had to do if he wanted to win though.

"COME AT ME WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT!" Midoriya yelled as he finished his speech to Todoroki, the words dully and faintly echoing to the start of the stands as the rest of the class straightened at Midoriya's declaration.

As Midoriya slugged Todoroki in the chest with 5% he watched the half-and-half boy fly back before tumbling to his feet. Midoriya clearly winced back in pain as his breath hitched from his fingers being slammed into Todoroki. Even from the distance of the stands, it was clear that the hand was clearly swelling.

Nick had to admit one thing, Midoriya could handle pain like a champ. Although it was foolish that he just did it because he could.

The fight continued as the crowd was on the edge of their seats. The ice was being thrown around as Midoriya started to attack using his cheek to flick his finger forcing Todoroki to back away.

Hearing Midoriya scream about how it was his power he waited to see if despite the changes Todoroki would use his strength. As the tension rose and Todoroki flew back from a punch he saw the boy's hands tighten before smoke rose into the air, ripples forming in the air from the distortion that heat made.

Nick grinned in anticipation.

Fire exploded from Todoroki as he landed on his feet and slid to a stop, ice coiling from his right side as he stared at Midoriya although there was a grin on his face. Midoriya was good for one thing, as a main character that is. Helping others grow and saying the right thing.

Looking to the edge of the crowd he saw Endeavor who just looking into the stadium with a glare, although he wasn't yelling as he did in the original.

Seeing the walls rise from the stadium as Midnight did her best to rush forward she wasn't able to do nearly anything before Midoriya let off a 100% smash and Todoroki shot a powerful blast from his left side. The fire and hot wind washed through the air as everyone covered their eyes from the blinding flash that lit up the stadium.

As the smoke clung to the air Nick smiled, he had already seen it, the trail of smoke that had come out of the final confrontation… Todoroki had won.

With the smoke clearing the unconscious Midoriya lay against the wall. And Nick had to say he was impressed with the destructive power in his year. Seeing it on paper and on a screen was a lot different than feeling the wave in person. If he was caught in the middle of that attack even he would have been hurt somewhat.

Hearing the excited talk from everyone in the stadium he leaned back into his seat as he watched the aftermath unfold…

As he got up and made his way to the waiting room for his next fight against Ashido he just shook his head. As he was in the halls however he was interrupted by All Might who had come to find him. The stage was going to take a while to be repaired so he was pulled away.

Going with All Might he was led into the infirmary where Recovery Girl explained to him that without him they would need to do surgery.

Seeing All Might standing there he turned to look at the man then back at Midoriya and just as he was about to say something the door flung open. Glaring at Ida who had led that charge he just sat there as they were chased out of the room by Recovery Girl.

With them gone, he looked at All Might again and said, "I felt your quirk was different when I healed you, I felt that it was attached to something deeper than just a 'quirk factor.' It was special. I can feel that same thing from Midoriya… what is the relation between you and him All Might… if I am to keep on healing him then I deserve to know." He said with steel in his voice. He knew and he didn't care, but since he was already involved with healing All Might it made sense that he could link the two.

As he finished saying that All Might went into Yagi form and told him how his quirk could be passed on. A very very basic form of the One for All talk but he never named the quirk or said that he had received it only that he gave his quirk to a quirkless kid who was more Heroic than him. That Nezu might be able to tell him more if he asked though.

"You're healed now, train your successor, this is the last time that I heal him because of his foolishness. He is your responsibility All Might, if you're going to give a kid a quirk that they can't handle you better work your ass off so that he doesn't nearly kill himself. Because we both know that Midoriya will throw himself into danger and fuck his arms up even worse than they are now to save someone. Because that is who he is. Take responsibility." Nick honestly didn't care about Midoriya, he just hated how lax All Might treat it all.

Turning to Midoriya he saw that he was awake now, shaking his head he walked to the side of the bed.

"Guess you heard me then, it's not just his fault, find a way to not injure yourself. Until you do that I am never healing you again. I can't keep being there to reinforce bad habits." Putting his hand on the kid's chest he healed Midoriya but he didn't cut off the pain totally like he normally did. He let the kid hurt a bit, reinforcing his point. Seeing Midoriya grit his teeth he just shook his head.

"First the number two hero threatens me and then I have to clean up your mess All Might? I thought better of you, I guess people are only heroes if you don't know them." Nick said as he made his way to the door, he was about to fight Ashido and he needed to calm down. He wasn't going to take out his piss-poor mood on her but he wasn't about to be treated like a clean-up squad every time Midoriya fucked his arms up. All Might better train Midoriya just as he did before he inherited their quirk, there was no reason for him not to… honestly. They could even do it in the privacy of U.A. He would talk to Nezu. At least he liked that somewhat sadistic rat.

Recovery Girl looked at Nick with pity and as he looked at her he showed her a small smile, this wasn't her fault in any way and she didn't deserve to be caught up in it.

Leaving the room finally he went to the waiting rooms. Sighing as he ran a hand back through his hair.


Finally got the chapter for today done! I had a lot of fun writing some of the fights. Didn't want to write the ones that wouldn't have been different from Canon though. Let me know what you think!

Some pretty intense stuff at the end, Nick has finally had it healing Midoriya and wants something to be done about it, also didn't think it was unreasonable that he would mention the connection between Midoriya and All Might, after all he wants to tell the later to up his game.

Reviews and comments are always welcome! Thanks for all the advice that you guys give!