The Principal

Nick wanted to start making progress gathering the quirk factors of the people he would need to start making his new body but was trying to organize his thoughts. He already had Manifest but that was just to help him better adapt his body to changes so that the mental strain would not be too much. He had yet to bring up the subject with Nezu but he was planning to do so, or at least scan his brain when he next shook hands with the bear.

He also had Muscle Augmentation, both his theories on it and a taken sample of DNA from Muscular when he fought him.

Apart from that he had a few that he knew he wanted, he was considering Chimera, a quirk that was included in the Heroes: Rising side story, he also wanted to find nine to maybe see if he could figure out how All for One worked from the duplicate that he was given. Also, cell activation might be useful. But that would come in the future.

From what he knew, Nine was undergoing the experiment as of now, so that means that his three subordinates that should be already been hired by Nine are somewhere in hiding waiting for their master. But still, Giran might be able to find them.

So for now Nine was off the table… actually if he could find the lab and see the process that would be greatly beneficial… Maybe, he would consider it.

He also wanted both Endurance which he assumed was the base of being able to have multiple quirks and fierce gains from Gigantomachia.

He wanted to have a look a Mt Lady's quirk as well since he wanted to know how she was able to change her mass, if he could create mass from within his body that would be infinitely useful.

He was also thinking about Pliabody but that wasn't as important to him. After all, he could already make himself as flexible as possible. And while he wasn't taking these quirks he didn't know how much strain their adaptions would put on his body. He wanted to have as little as necessary. Some like Chimera just wanted to see for context's sake.

He had already looked at Eijiro's and Mezo's and the latter wasn't that useful to him but depending on what he saw from Fierce Gain's he would use the hardening boy's quirk.

With the thoughts coming together in a line he sighed as he went through his messages to Giran, getting to Chimera was the hardest part of the plan. Honestly, he might leave that for a later time, he already had manifest which was a much freer version of that quirk although it had its downsides.

The most important were Endurance and Gigantification, which were also held by Gigantomachia, so he should just find the man since he held three of the quirks he wanted to look at.

Okay, so the course of action, find Gigantomachia and then see how his giant quirk compares to mount lady, getting in contact with her shouldn't be hard. After all, she was a popular Hero and as a rising student, he would easily be able to meet her with Nezu pulling the strings. He was meeting with Nezu later tonight to have another talk before he did his first task as the doctor healing Tensei so he would ask about increasing his brain power then.

Nodding his head he got off the train and started to make his way towards his house. He would be leaving at around midnight to get to U.A. Then he would be going to the clinic after his talk with Nezu.


Yomi sat there quietly as he waited for the first client to arrive, he had been told by Andrew through messages that the client would be here at about 12 and to make sure that he and his family member were comfortably situated.

He had been given the task of organizing the clinic and the clients and managing the funds from their benefactor whom he wasn't allowed to know the identity of. Not that he cared, since he started working for the doctor, actually he felt like he was working for Andrew more. But since he started working at this clinic, his life had taken a much better turn. He had to be here late which could be better but what right did he have to complain?

He had barely any work, a lot of money now, and heaps of free time. He had paid off his loans, and been given a house. And had even gotten his son proper medical care and vaccines that he hadn't even been able to get him before. He was so so grateful for just that. Even thinking about it he couldn't help but smile… he had been able to feed his son proper food AND have a meal himself… it had been amazing.

He was sure that more work would come in the future, but he was perfectly fine with his son sleeping in the house above the clinic and just resting there while he worked downstairs. He had a monitor on his phone in case something happened so he was just grateful that he could have a life now.

Looking up he saw Yu sitting down blowing smoke through the slightly opened window. He had a pack of cigarettes on the table yet he never smoked from that one. He used another packet when he did smoke. Which was getting less. He was wearing a formal grey suit with plague mask cuff links. A black tie, everything ironed and his head properly shaven and shining… it was the first time that he had seen the man look so formal.

"What's with the formality?" Yomi asked as he leaned forward, he had become friends with Yu quickly, after all, neither of them actually had friends. They had even eaten out together and shared their past troubles.

"Well, I want to make sure the doctors see's that I am not slacking. He killed the Marionette for me, he took care of my past problems and gave me a new opportunity to live a proper life with a real job, not an enslaved bouncer. I am indebted to him and I want him to know that I am taking this opportunity properly when he sees me…" Yu responded, staring out the window as he did so.

"Yet your still smoking? You won't be able to properly enjoy your new life if you keep it up." Yomi responded with slight amusement, he knew what the man meant, that was why he had actually put a suit on too. He hated how uncomfortable it was but… well… It made him feel… proper.

"Well, Andrew had a pack on him so I assume the doctor doesn't mind." Yu responded although he looked at his cigarette quickly, he should really make sure the clients didn't see him smoking.

Putting out the cigarette he threw the bud into the trash and opened the window all the way, letting the cool night air wash in and dilute the smell of smoke. Sighing Yomi reached over to the fan controller and turned it on to help blow the smell away.

It wasn't a long wait after that, they both heard a knock on the door and turning the fan off Yomi sat a bit straighter, Yu going and opening the door. Stepping aside he motioned for the pair to make their way inside.

The client, Tensei, was being pushed into the building on a medical bed by a nurse and his mother. Soon when he was inside the building, having come through the doors that were made to be big enough for almost any client. The nurse bowed and politely left to wait in the ambulance outside.

Yomi was shocked to see an actual ambulance, who was their benefactor? Was he able to pull strings in even hospitals?

Bowing politely Yomi said, "Hello Mrs Ida, please take a seat while we get your son situated. I am Yomi, I'll be making sure that your son gets safely to the doctor."

"a-am I not able to be with my son during the operation?" She asked with hesitance. Looking at Yu then back and Yomi with a pleading look on her face.

Having been told how to deal with this situation Yomi politely said. "I am sorry ma'am, but the doctor does not wish to be seen by anyone. Your son will be properly taken care of, I can assure you that nothing will go wrong with the operation and before the night is over your son will walk out to greet you. Please, take a seat. Do not mind my bodyguard, he is simply here to assure the safety of both me and the clients from any quirk that might go out of control or clients that cause a problem." Trying to assure her and explain why Yu was there.

As she looked back at Yu he politely bowed his head but stood where he was, not saying anything. With a hesitant nod as if assuring herself more than anything she simply looked back at Yomi and said, "Okay, okay the doctor said that you can be trusted. I will trust you with my son. Thank you for taking care of him." Bowing as she said so, she was clearly holding onto hope that her son could be healed, but doubt and sorrow were not so easily dismissed.

Pushing the end of the bed he saw that Tensei was in fact asleep, a drip in his arm and already in hospital garbs. Pushing the bed through the double doors that opened he put the bed in the operation room and waited to the side. It was almost 12, and the doctor would be appearing in less than a minute. Perfect timing.

And he did, with a noiseless sound the doctor appeared in the corner of the room, condensing from the plague mask out for the walls of the room as the thread assembled itself. Staring at Yomi for a moment he nodded his head slowly saying, "You may leave, inform her that the operation has started."

Nodding his head Yomi didn't know what to do in the man's presence, he had heard how he effortlessly killed Marionette and disables her guards while he did so. He knew the man was dangerous but the rumours were more than just intense. Of course, he still trusted the man, after all, he didn't kill anyone but the target and he knew how bad she was. But still, it changed your view of a person.

Walking out into the waiting room he informed her as instructed before looking at the clock as he sat behind his desk.


Nick had appeared in the room. A small sigh left his lips as he watched Yomi leave. Putting his hands on his on the wall he had come from he opened a hole in it and from that hole, Nezu came out of. "I thought the passage was an excellent idea in case I ever needed to observe. After all, I do need to make sure that you are doing what is right. You are under my care for now." Nezu said as he emerged into the room.

Smiling Nick said, "yeah, I guess."

"Red eyes? You really were planning on doing something stupid weren't you?" The bear teased as he smirked up at Nick.

"Don't remind me… let's get this done," Nick responded with some embarrassment. Shaking his head as he walked over to the medical bed that Tensei had been brought in. Nodding his head he put his hand on the man's chest and a wave passed over him, making his skin ripple and move as his legs twitched.

Nodding his head said over his shoulder to Nezu, "Done, all the injuries he had are now gone." Before starting to unwrap the bandages and remove the drip, he would wake up in about half an hour and Yomi would come to get him once he signalled his assistant.

Well, that was easy. Turning to Nezu he sat down on one of the chairs in the room and said. "Well, that is how this is going to go. Once some time has passed Yomi will come back in and take the client out. I will wait here until they are about to wake and then leave just before they do."

"Good, that is how I assumed it would go as well, keeping your identity of the doctor safe and therefore adding more security for yourself. Only ever seen by Yomi, that is good. Well as per our agreement I when I have booked a client in for you and you cannot refuse a client I give you, understood?" Nezu said, once more going over what he was expecting.

"Of course, I would have never been able to do this without your help so thank you," Nick responded with gratitude, he really was thankful that he could safely use his powers, and also grow closer to Nezu because of it.

With some time to kill Nick thought that this was the best time to bring it up. "I am thinking of enhancing my own body again, bringing it to another level using modified quirk factors from others. I don't see a reason not to, it will help me become much stronger." His voice held some hesitation.

Nezu clearly was thinking for a moment before he said, "As long as you do not harm others, I have no issues with you doing that at all. If you think that it is safe and within your powers. Strength is always wanted, with All for One out there I won't stop you from growing. Why are you telling me this though?" Nezu responded, trying to get a picture of what was happening. Even though he asked the question Nick was pretty sure the bear knew why. The darker look in his eyes showed that Nick was in fact correct.

"You know why… I can't handle the load of a new body, I need to be able to maintain functions and the faster my brain works the stronger I will be…" Nick was doubting his actions now, he probably never should have asked Nezu for something like this, he should have just tried to have a look with a handshake.

"Say it directly Hendrix." Nezu responded.

"I want to copy your quirk factor if I can, at least see how your brain works." Nick said, head downcast.

"Like the doctors? You want to steal and use my quirk?" The bear replied. Looking up from where he stood on the floor as he got closer to Nick so even with downcast eyes Nick was looking at the tortured chimera before him.

"No… not like them, I just want to see how it works. I would never do so without your permission that is why I am asking. I just want… no need to be stronger." Nick said.

With Nezu's gaze softening he said, "why do you need to be stronger?"

"To protect this world and the people I love." His voice held steel, no hesitation at all. 'to protect it from what is to come. I do not belong here, but I will protect the world that gave me a second chance, no matter what. And I will never fail to use my second chance to its fullest. I will become the strongest, I will rival the gods of this world, not surpass them. I will perfect myself so that I never have to feel the weakness that I felt before.' Looking at Nezu with newfound resolve he waited for his answer.

Standing there Nezu thought for a second before he asked the last question, "and why must you shoulder all this weight yourself?"

"Because if I do not do my best until the greatest threat we have is defeated… then I don't deserve the chance that I have been given. I cannot tell you more, but I held my thread. I have seen death. I want to make use of this life, more than ever. I can and I will do my best." Nick responded.

"Very well, I will let you look at my quirk. I am sorry for testing you young Nicklaus, I just want to make sure that you stay on the right path. I can see the resolve you have, do make sure that your resolve however does not make you take extreme measures… you want to protect things. And I have seen people do foolish things to protect those they love. You are not alone, always ground yourself with others, with friends that will keep you on the right path despite your strength. Can you promise me that?"

Thinking of Mirio, Tamaki and Nejire Nick smiled a bit, he could lean on them, especially Mirio. Even Kendo, the first person he really called his friend. "I promise."

Nodding his head Nezu held a hand out. "Shall we shake on it? Shake for as long as you need."

Seeing what Nezu was saying Nick reached out and held Nezu's paw, smiling his thanks to his… teacher. Yeah, teacher.

Shaking his teacher's paw he closes his eyes and through his quirk felt Nezu do the same, the bear was stiff, almost hesitant and scared but when no feeling came he simply relaxed, standing still as he kept his eyes closed. Nick stopped feeling the passing of time as he looked at his teacher's mind, it was… fascinating. It was not human, that was for sure, but neither was it an animal. He had looked at the bodies of animals and while he had not seen a bears he was sure that this was not it.

He couldn't even begin to comprehend it. So he didn't try, he simply started to recreate it in his spine. Of course, he didn't copy any of the saved chemical signals. Since if he was using a computer as an example, he just wanted the parts, not any of the stored data.

As for making it in his spine, he didn't want to do anything to his current brain until he had remade a new one and knew for sure that it worked. And two, the spine was just a better spot… he could defend it way more easily and it wasn't in the fragile head that could be banged around by going too fast.

Nick wasn't feeling the passing of time, he was simply copying Nezu's brain, well to an extent. He was leaving out parts he knew that he would need to make from scratch since he didn't want to inherit any of Nezu's individuality and it was hard.

Soon he stopped when he heard the stirring of Tensei and quickly he sent a signal to Yomi as he deconstructed the wall. "Shall we continue in your office?" He asked Nezu as they left through the secret passage.

"Let's I could use some tea if this is going to take a while." Nezu said with a kind smile, clearly having come to terms with some things when Nick was in his meditative state.


When they arrived at the office they sat back down and Nezu started making tea as Nick just kept a part of his body against Nezu, a tether that just followed the principal around attached to his ankle, it was kind of weird but they both just chose to ignore the oddity of it, it would let Nezu work and Nick study so they let it happen.

Nick didn't know how much time passed, but it helped that Nezu was using the brain, he could see the signals, what were thoughts and what were simple processes and copy what he wanted. Creating the brain using both his own and Nezu's.

It took a long time, by the time that Nick opened his eyes again, having completed the process he saw that the sun had well and truly risen into the sky. He felt really really hungry, something he hadn't felt for a while. Turning to Nezu he asked, "what time is it?"

"About 1:00pm, lunch is over so you will be missing that, I do expect you to go to heroics in 20 minutes. I had to cancel a meeting this morning because you wouldn't respond. Of course I didn't want to interrupt you if you were making a brain so I left you alone. No one saw what was happening so no need to worry. But you have been at it for almost 13 hours. Are you done?" Nezu asked, curious as to the results.

"Yeah, I am done, I have not connected with it, I will do that tonight. I need rest and food first. But I think that it is complete… it seems to be perfectly fine and holding no dormant individuality. So thank you. Thank you Nezu for giving me this opportunity." Nick responded as he stood up and bowed.

"you are welcome young Nicklaus, I view you as a pupil in some ways. Please, do not make me regret the choice that I made. If my brain is used to harm others, I will never be able to forgive myself." Nezu responded his smile kind despite his warning. "Now then young Nicklaus, am I a dog or a mouse or a bear?" He asked.

"Don't care, more importantly. You're the principal of U.A. High." Smiling as he responded. Standing up as he got ready to leave, he had class soon and he was sure that his friends were wondering where he was. He wanted at least to say hi to the big 3 before lessons this afternoon.

"Correct, enjoy the rest of your day Nick, I have a meeting I need to attend." Nezu responded.

With an amused smirk, Nick left the room, he couldn't wait until tonight. He would check it over a few more times before making a limited connection to it. Once he was certain that it was working he would probably make a spare somewhere in his body before finally replacing his old one. Walking to the normal hangout spot he saw the three sitting there talking about something as he called out. "YO! How is everything!" A mixture of questions and greetings hit him as he jumped up to the normal spot.


Thanks for the support everyone! A bit of a late chapter but I still got it done. Finally Nick is upgrading his brain so that he can hopefully make a proper body for himself when he choses to. Which will be soon. I plan to have him find Gigantomachia before then and then maybe a few others. If you have ideas for physical quirks that would help make a good body let me know.

Reviews and comments are always welcome! Let me know what you think! Thanks for all the support and growth!