New Powers

The room was slowly filled with smoke, things moving around as they were teleported from one spot to another as the 'aura' of smoke slowly spread out.

Seeing Yomi so glad to have something that most didn't he couldn't help but feel a bit proud of his actions. Although the reasons for them still annoyed him.

Tilting his head to the side he thought about what was happening and how he could fix it. The quirk hadn't resisted Yomi who had no factor at all, it had easily resonated and been adsorbed into his body, a missing piece finally able to form and being welcomely attached to the connections that were awaiting.

The quirk however had refused him… heavily. It wasn't a normal refusal that he would work around like when he first tried to use organic matter and his body wanted to get rid of it. No, it was much more fierce.

It didn't matter where he tried to put the new plus alpha gene, he had even tried to fuse with it like he had with Dabi's quirk it just didn't work.

He didn't know why…

He couldn't fuse it with either of the base quirks or put it in as a normal quirk without his body trying to tear itself apart to get rid of it.

So far he had two quirks, Dabi's that he had upgraded and Overhaul which he had also upgraded, putting rewind into it to give it better matter manipulation. But the warping quirk just wouldn't stay in his body.

He would have to look into it more… maybe his body already had too many quirks? It was getting harder to upgrade his two quirks, he was being met with heavy resistance that despite being able to overcome made it harder to do so.

He thought that his body with both Endurance and High Spec would be able to work past these limitations but still… it didn't seem to be the case.

Now he had even more reason to find Kyudai so that he could find the original All for One quirk and see how it handled having more than one quirk in a body. That was the key, he planned to take out Kyudai tomorrow night, and now he was even more eager.

"Settle down Yomi, we will train with it later tonight. For now, let me upgrade Yu, if he wishes of course?" The Doctor said as he turned to Yu, tilting his head to the side as he questioned the man.

"O-Of course Doctor, of course," Yu said as he watched his friend start to take deep breaths in an attempt to settle down. Nodding his head he went and sat down on the table, swinging his legs up to lie down. His eyes stayed on Yomi who was still teleporting an object between each of his hands.

"Do not worry, your upgrades will be simple but should be effective." The Doctor said as he put his hands on Yu, all the eyes on the ceiling and walls focusing on the man on the table, The Doctor's own eyes closed as he concentrated.

As he felt the power flow through Yu the man's body suddenly exploded, time to test if there would be resistance from someone with one quirk.

As he started to weave in the physical upgrade quirks that he had made and gathered the body readily accepted them with the help of Nick's expertise, the genes falling into the right place and merging with the ones that they needed to merge with. Fierce muscles, endurance, hardening, energy saver. A mix of various physical enhancement changes. All being accepted. The most important one however was Navel Laser.

He had changed it so that it could be generated and shot out of the man's crystal structures. Directed or even released as a wave. Its power hadn't been changed much but it could be shot out of multiple crystals.

Putting Yu back together he waited for the man to take a breath before he took his hand off. Yu was fine, and he would be much stronger than before. Nodding his head he watched as Yu's eyes opened. Staring around a bit he got off the table and looked at his hands.

"Okay, now let us go get you both used to your quirks. Yomi, teleport us to these coordinates." The Doctor said as he took out a phone and showed an image to Yomi with coordinates on it as well. This should be enough, after all, Kurogiri just needed to know the location or have someone at it send it to him.

This should be more than enough.

As Yomi nodded and started at the location he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before smoke billowed out of himself and soon he was gone. The smoke dissipated as he left both Nick and Yu behind.

Within moments the smoke suddenly appeared in the room again as it condensed down into Yomi, the smoke-like form becoming solid as he was standing before Nick and Yu once more.

"I did it! HAHA, I can actually do it!" His voice was extremely excited as he waved his arms around like an eager kid. His voice filled with joy at his current abilities.

"S-sorry sir, I just wanted to make sure I c-could do it." He said nervously, explaining why he didn't take them all. "I'll make a gate now." His voice became serious again despite the smile pulling at the edge of his lips. Clearing his throat he closed his eyes before the smoke once again formed into a gate as Yomi entered his smoke form.

Nick watched this with appreciation. He had gotten rid of a major part of warp gate's main weakness, Yomi couldn't be touched when he was making gates. He was much stronger than Kurogiri with this one change. Although Nick assumed Kyudai hadn't had this change since he couldn't affect things as precisely as Nick and Kurogiri was one of them, not the first Nomu.

Walking through he felt his body disperse into smoke before forming once more on the other side, so that was how it worked. He assumed with a different base quirk it would be different but it was very much the case. More so than he thought, he didn't know what he felt about the change.

When being warped you became 'part' of Yomi and let out the other side. Theoretically, Yomi could keep someone inside if he never completed the gate. That was useful though, it just might be dangerous if he was interrupted when warping.

Walking into the clearing he watched and turned around to see Yu emerge from the smoke as it condensed into his form and soon was followed by Yomi, who the smoke condensed into.

Nodding his head he said, "I will leave you in the capable hands of Andrew then, he should be hear shortly, he was held up by some tasks that I have given him. Train as you see fit in the meantime." Turning away The Doctor faded into his own pitch-black smoke and entered the floor.

Travelling a small distance Nick emerged from the floor again in the form of Andrew before he started to walk back towards the clearing.

Emerging from the tree line he watched as Yu was firing a laser from his formed crystals at a rock not far away, the blast making his crystals light up in a brilliant prismatic glow before a blast shattered the stone.

Nodding his head he looked him over. His body was now almost completely crystal, no doubt thanks to Eijiro's hardening ability, the skin having become crystal as well. The increased speed and strength were shown when he bolted towards the rock and swung his hardened fist down shattering what remained of the rock.

Seeing the smoke start to form around him he heard the voice of Yomi, "Who are- oh. Andrew." His voice went from cautious to casual as he formed from the smoke with a beaming smile on his face. "It's been a while, I hardly recognised you!" His mirth at his new quirk was clear as he slowly bounced on his feet. Was this guy a child? Well… it probably was like a child finding their quirk for the first time. And for it to be an amazing one at that.

"It has hasn't it. Well I have been caught up in quite a bit of of business." Andrew said as he shook the man's hand. His words were calm and somewhat jovial.

"What buiness do you do anyway?" Yu asked as he walked over, shaking Andrew's hand. The question got Yomi who was about to teleport away to keep on training to pause.

"None of yours that's for sure. Sorry, that was a bit rude. Just things The Doctor wants me to do, I can't disclose much however." Andrew said as he scratched the back of his head.

"That's alright," Yu said as he took out a pack of smokes and lit one of them with a tiny use of naval laser. It seems that the crystals could also make the laser have heat like magnifying glasses can do to the sun… interesting. It was much stronger than Yu's then if the beam could be condensed down to a hair's breadth it could probably cut almost anything.

"So you here to just watch and report or what?" Yu asked as he interrupted Nick's thoughts.

"Ah- Yeah, yeah that and to spar with you. He thinks that Yomi should focus more on utility than combat for now. Like warping great distances to points that he can see and keeping himself in his smoke form. But for you he wants us to beat the shit out of each other. He told me to be cautious of what you can do now but I doubt it will be enough to beat me. Shall we get to it?" Andrew said, a challenging smirk appearing on his face as he walked further into the clearing.

Yu followed with an amused look as he said. "Yeah, well we'll see about that." The man said as he got into a fighting stance.

"Oh, one more thing, do aim to kill, don't worry you won't be able to." Andrew stated as he got into a fighting stance.

"You doubt me that much?" Yu asked as he crouched down.

"Oh no, nothing like that sorry, my quirk is good at keeping me alive. See?" Andrew stated as he put his hand on his neck and in one swift motion tore his own head clean off. With sounds of shock coming from both Yomi and Yu, Andrew's body only started to fall before the head grew back and he got his feet under him.

"See?" Andrew stated as he held his arms out. "I am practically immortal. The only person that can kill me is The Doctor or one like him. Trust me." His voice was serious as he got back into his starting position and looked at the remains of his head that turned slowly into dust along with the blood that had soaked his clothes.

"A-Alright man, a bit of warning next time though… ready when you are." He said as he got back into a fighting stance. Taking a deep breath, someone had just torn their head off in front of him though and that was pretty shocking.

"Ready." Andrew said.

As soon as the words left his mouth crystals condensed all over Yu and he threw a hand forward, a blast of brilliant laser flying from his palm and aiming to slam into Andrew's chest but he was gone from where he was standing.

In shock Yu looked down and saw Andrew suddenly flash before him, the speed was unmatched by anything he had seen before. Hell, it even felt faster than his laser even if that wasn't really possible.

Throwing a palm strike forward Nick slammed it into Yu's chest with force enough to crack a boulder but was shocked to see that it barely left some cracks.

He hadn't hit the hardest he could but still, that was more than impressive, considering that the cracks were already healing. Even more so.

Dodging a strike Andrew redirected the path of the fist. Yu's hand slammed into the floor hard enough to shatter the stone sending plates up at angles. Moving to the side Andrew brought a foot up into Yu's face, hard enough to stun the man before bringing a hard elbow down into the back of the man's Neck. Shattering the crystals there and sending his face hard into the floor where the stone shattered on impact.

Backing away Andrew called out. "Again! We go until the sun is rising." His voice was harsh.

And so the beat-down continued. Yu couldn't even land a hit and Andrew just pummeled him hard. Teaching Yu what Rappa had taught him.

Backing away from another engagement and letting Yu drag himself to his feet he watched as the crystals reformed and the cracks healed.

Dashing forward as soon as the man was standing he heard a roar and leapt into the air spinning around the man as a wave of laser was released with explosive force. Crashing into the ground Nick dashed forward and went to strike but was blocked by Yu's arm. Raising his own he felt the fist of his opponent crash into his arm with surprising speed.

Yu was getting used to his new body.

Smiling at his hit working Yu's joy turned to shock, his attack had been met with black carbon skin that nullified the attack.

"Shock absorption, it wasn't compatible with your crystal quirk according to The Doctor." Nick explained with a grin as he slammed his other fist into the chest of Yu.

Sliding back Yu simply glared at Andrew.

Engaging again Nick ducked beneath a swipe as he pushed himself off with his feet avoiding the leg sweep. Twisting into a barrel role he felt the arm pass him by a hair's breadth before he kicked his feet out slamming them into Yu's face as he pushed himself away into a flip. Landing on his feet all in one smooth motion.

Dodging and attacking.

Without letting Yu recover he ran towards the man who was barely able to dodge and block the oncoming onslaught of attacks that rained down upon his arms.

Jumping out of the way of an attack Nick crossed his arms blocking the laser that sent him flipping into the ground but he didn't even feel the impact.

Standing up he blocked a kick but as he blocked it Yu's other foot came off the floor and swung at his head as he twisted his body. Spinning his hand that had blocked around he grabbed Yu's ankle to throw him away before the fist could connect but a blast of laser from the sole of his foot slammed into Andrew's chest.

Being forced back he let go of the ankle that he had a weak grip on and leaned forward to stop himself from falling backwards from the pushing force. Already having his arm in position to block the incoming foot. What he didn't expect however was the foot pulling leading to more rotation of Yu's body as he landed on his other foot.

Getting ready to face the oncoming attack he saw Yu throw his hands forward as the crystals on his eyes suddenly started to glow. Expecting a blast he leaned to the side just to have the arm thrust forward into where he was standing. The edges of the crystals flowed a bright white as the hand pierced his chest.

Yu had filled the crystals with laser increasing their cutting power and had sliced right through his carbon skin.

Well, shit.

Looking down at the wound on his chest as Yu tore his arm out through the side of his body leaving a massive gash behind he looked up at Yu and said. "Well done." Only for his head to be sliced in half by another attack.

Backing away he let his body reform as he saw Yu already charging at him with another attack. Guess the guy wanted to get back for being beaten so badly, all his crystals were glowing now.

Landing on his feet Andrew took a deep breath.

"Guess I should start trying then?" Andrew asked.

With carbon black muscle coating his skin and increasing his mass Andrew disappeared from where he was standing leaving rubble in his wake as he charged head first at Yu who couldn't keep up with the speed that was suddenly shown.

With a hand slamming into Yu's chest, the crystals shattered and sent the man flying into a rock face leaving an indentation where the man lay.

As the sun rose refracting off his crystals and casting brilliant patterns on the walls behind him. "That was a fun fight, let's spar again next week!" Andrew said, his voice excited as he only got a groan from Yu.


Thanks for all the support! Second chapter today to make up for the delayed one yesterday.

Thanks for all the reviews and comments! As normal let me know what you think!