The Spire

Birds circled around the monolith that towered into the air. Reaching impossible heights, as if the world itself distorts to magnify the impossible creation.

A creation of power, a beacon of hope.

The heart of Australia is based near the Southern Point, erected in the middle of Port Phillip. The main city of the devil's playground. The impossible structure was the core of the wondrous city, a lighthouse guiding those who have seen it to a life of possible peace for any that might have dared travel to it.

It didn't make sense, this couldn't be possible… such a city in such a place was… unreasonable.

Standing possibly 140km away from the structure Nick could see the peak of the impossibly narrow pyramid… it didn't make sense.

He had flown most of the way here over the surface of the ocean, after all, it was a long fucking way to walk.

Around 4,500km of fucking long way if he remembered the map right. Like hell, he was walking that on his own two legs. Nah, he could fly so why wouldn't he? It had still taken him just under two days to get to where he was.

And he could already see the tower, if it was that ridiculously tall then he should have been able to see it from the plane that he came in from. But he hadn't been able to see it, that was just frankly impossible.

Something was wrong here, either space was being distorted by something or it was being hidden from outsiders somehow, he didn't know how but he would find out when he got there. This was getting more interesting.

He was having some ideas that All for One had been far more involved in making his hellscape than he had originally thought but finding things like this was making that even more clear. The stark contrast that this city was setting to the rest of this devastated country was showing that something was clearly letting it operate on different rules.

Cracking his neck he changed his direction from forward to directly up. Wanting to get a good look at the city before he got there. Flying into the air as he shot faster and faster towards the sky. The higher he flew the harder the tower was to see until it soon just… vanished?

It wasn't there. Stopping looked at where the tower had been... He could see Port Phillip which was meant to be on the outskirts of but he couldn't see any sign of a settlement that would have a structure nearly that large.

Shaking his head he dropped back down, feeling the wind rushing past his hair as he suddenly let out a blast from his feet as he lay parallel to the dunes beneath him. Shooting like a bullet once more towards where the tower 'was.'

This was going to be annoying, he could already feel it.

It raised so many problems with how he thought this entire country barely functioned.

But he was sure of something, Shigaraki must be here.


The streets were bustling, filled with lively chatter as the tiered city slowly angled upwards in layers towards the main monument. The giant needle-like pyramid was in the centre of it all.

The city itself was built on a mountain in the middle of Port Phillip, the city was built up the side of the mountain and from what Nick could see from the countless tunnels even inside the mountain itself, honestly, the tunnels looked like an old ant nest.

Walking past someone Nick felt his shoulder brush against the hide of a massive dog, it was a greyhound that was as large as a truck. The creature snorted in disapproval as Nick got a filthy look from the owner of the beast. Looking at the man who had darker skin and a simple diamond tattoo on his forehead Nick just nodded before making his way down the street again.

Everyone here had that tattoo, and Nick was being stared at quite a bit. But he didn't really care to be honest, he wasn't hear to blend in. He could do that later if he wanted.

He was heading right towards the base of that fucking needle-like tower, he wanted to know what the fuck was going on with it. It towered into the air well above the clouds. The entire structure had plenty of windows all up the sides making it clear that it was being used, but it shouldn't be able to stand.

He just wanted to put his hand on it.

He figured that whatever was hiding was a quirk of some kind, one that he would find soon enough.

But he was more interested in who the hell was running a place like this, most people here were well fed and the general air was cheerful. He even saw kids playing in the streets carelessly, they quickly hid when he went past but then again everyone kept their distance from him.

An outsider, someone unknown. He was sure that the golden flames that licked from the cracks in his body weren't helping but he didn't care. He was here for a purpose and he would fulfil it. Preferably without violence, but who knows. He wouldn't ruin the lives of those in this city for it. Nezu would never let that fly, but he would give people in power… motivation if he had to.

He had to find Shigaraki, if All for One really did have a hand in this place somehow whatever was going on was not going to be good. And if he had a think about it he knew one thing that a world-hating bastard could do with a country like this.

And he wasn't ready for that to happen.

Watching an ant carry a bunch of bags past him Nick was temporarily broken from his thoughts. Ants were working here?

Brushing past it he examined its mind, an ant wasn't really something you could tame. This one was different though, its mind wasn't special, what was though. Was the fact that every part of its instinct and aggression had been removed, hell it was basically just a shell that would follow wherever it was being pulled or called to.

Whatever quirk had done this to its mind was a powerful one, and the more that he was seeing the more questions that he had.

Maybe just barging in was a bad idea… no he had his backup mind and he could always just go all Hellfire and escape.

He should be fine. He would only attack if they attacked him though. But he was feeling incredibly on edge right now. Looking up the long staircase that lead towards the base of the tower he couldn't help but think that it was like a temple, it resembled a place of worship. And from the offerings and statues in front of it, it clearly was something like that.

Maybe offerings to their ruler? He would have asked around but people wouldn't even hold eye contact with him.

Getting to the base of the building he ran his hand along the edge of the giant double doors as he walked inside. The material was just a basic sandstone, that defiantly would not be able to hold the weight of this structure.

Looking inside Nick stood in the middle of the doors, people were walking past him with a wide berth, going in and out of the tower as they travelled deeper down into the mountain by stairs or heading up to the upper floors.

The room he was looking into seemed to be a massive throne room. It was the entire width and length of the base of the tower. What was most impressive was the throne was on an island in the centre, the only thing connecting to it was a bridge from the front door he was standing in.

Beneath the throne island and the rest of the room had been dug out, leading down a shaft that went down the centre of the mountain. Pillars came from the depths and went way above his head to hold the walls, from what it looked like, the massive vaulted ceiling crawling with catwalks, people moved around going to wherever their destination was.

A giant stained glass window was on the wall behind the throne casting a multicoloured light throughout the entire room and into the shaft below, bouncing off walls of reflective stones to travel further down.

It was honestly beautiful and nothing like he had expected.

The vaulted ceiling travelled to a peak that then came down to the top of the throne, which was carved into a pillar that he presumed went from all the way from the peak to the bottom of the chasm. The throne was carved into it, veins of gold travelling all the way up and down it.

It was shocking…

Standing there almost dumbfounded as the people walked past him Nick tilted his head to the side, what the hell was going on here?

He felt like he had walked into a different reality.

The people that were avoiding him still walked around him, casting him odd looks as he stood in the middle of the door, his eyes wide.

Finally snapping out of it he set his eyes on the throne, and sitting in it was a man. His build was broad, his shoulders wide. He was wearing loose flowing robes, his feet clad with sandals and on his head sat a crown embezzled with jewels. Fine crafting made the delicate piece wonderful. His bare chest was covered in tattoos that had a clear meaning, although Nick's ignorance of this place didn't let him understand them.

Walking down the centre path Nick couldn't help but feel that there was a better way that he could have gone about it, but he didn't really care that much right now. He was more interested in finding out what the hell was happening here.

He was currently trying to find Shigaraki but it might be best to keep his involvement in that under the table for now. At least until he knew how this place was related to All for One.

Walking towards the throne Nick let the fire's intensity increase by a notch, giving the flames more form as he walked forward towards the throne. His face was a confident mix of shock and glee. He would do his best, to be honest, encase there was a lie detection quirk somewhere nearby.

"Who dares barge the realm of the sovereign uninvited!" A loud voice boomed through the hall, making the heads of those in the entire room turn to look at what was happening.

Stepping forward a warrior with no weapon. His gaze was as intense as his voice, tattoos lines his body and his muscles were clearly honed and trained over years of intense work. He looked no older than 19 but his sun-worn skin and his calloused hands showed the effort he had put in.

He was a warrior through and through and Nick could see that, and respected the work before he even knew the person.

Before Nick could respond a dull voice sounded interrupting him, although a dangerous growl laced the undertone of the warning given. "Careful Samuel, the Sovereign speaks for himself, this individual must have interested him or he would have been asked to leave. Keep your mouth closed before I have to close it for you." His long silver hair flowed down his back in a thick mane. His eyes were a glittering purple. As he spoke an intense purple aura radiated off his skin. A warning to the warrior he spoke to, Samuel.

Feeling the powerful Aura from this warrior, the one with silver hair Nick matched his eyes, receiving an unflinching gaze in response. As the two individuals stared each other down Nick waited, waiting to be addressed by the man on the throne who was clearly interested in watching him.

Just observing for now.

"What is your name child?" His voice amused as he watched Nick break eye contact with his warrior, looking directly at him. Much to the annoyance of Samuel who clearly was displeased with Nick making direct eye contact.

"I refer to myself as Aurem, although not the name I was born with I have abandoned that for my own reasons." His voice was steady, unwavering in its strength.

"Your business may stay your own for now, I permit it. What brings you to my halls then Aurem. To so boldly walk into this place without a fear." His voice questioned, clearly having been amused by Nick's wording.

"I came to Australia because I wanted to test my strength in the most dangerous place and so far I have been impressed. I did not however expect to find a place like this, seeing such an impossible monolith led me to come here to see what was happening. And I have more questions than I came in here with so… mighty impressive by the way. Seems like a place right out of a fantasy novel." Nick said in a casual tone as he leaned on one leg. A smirk formed at the annoyed growl of Samuel.

"Oh? You seem to not know who I am then, being an outsider from so far away. I am The Sovereign. My quirk is to control lesser-minded creatures." His voice filled with pride as he said that.

Oh, a quirk to control bugs, simple… but here it was basically becoming the master of this place. So that was why the bugs didn't attack the city, they couldn't. His quirk must stop them passively somehow. If he died the entire city would be flooded within minutes with how much noise it made.

He was saying this for a reason as well, to let Nick know what would happen if he faced him, he was showing his strength. And introducing himself, so far he seemed friendly but his ego was clearly as big as Nick's own.

"As I have already introduced myself, Aurem. I can control very hot fire. I don't know what to compare them to but I have been able to burn anything and form temperatures high enough to vaporize the air around my attacks." His voice was confident as he tilted his head to the side.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sovereign."


Another chapter for you fine readers!

Sorry about the constant delays this week. Until further notice I am changing my upload to once ever two days. I haven't been able to find the time between work to write AND do my hobbies. And as much as I like writing this book I don't want to risk it becoming something that I have to do.

Thanks for all the support and positive comments you all leave! It really motivates me to keep on writing, hopefully the extra time I have can lead to higher quality of chapters! The chapter lengths should be going back to normal some time soon! Thank you again for all the support!