
The elevator continues to ascend until it finally reaches the destination for Blake. A wide crowd of contestants floods his view. The atmosphere permeating the chaos of everyone's hopes and worries.

"Looks like we have our last arrival just in time no less". Draconic eyes scrutinize him intently.

"File up, with the rest boy". He says, the gravitas voice demanding respect.

"Cocky" The voice from before echoes out again from the pond of Blake's mind.

''Who the hell are you!?'' His rage at this annoying voice bursts as he yells his thoughts in his mind. Only for the deafening silence to return. His green eyes are met with snapping scaly fingers.

"Are you going to line up"? The examiner says making his presence known before Blake. His draconic eyes sharpened on him.

"Yes, sir". Blake says the usual reaction of anxiety, dimming significantly compared to before.

"You're an odd one". The examiner says not getting the reaction he wanted from the boy he walks back to the front now.

A careless expression forms on Blake's face. Keeping his mood neutral he brushes off the nuisance of an examiner for him and finds his way into the conglomerate of participants.

"You all know why your here"

"Let me introduce myself". He says straightening out his military uniform, a collage of white and silver perforate off his armored uniform. Hexagonal patterns are scattered on it netting together in a wide web glowing with a pulsating energy throughout the uniform. A badge of earth being enveloped in a horizon is attached onto his jacket.

"My name is Atlas, Not long ago I awakened my own power and managed to become a teacher in the process". Atlas says as jubilation escapes into his voice.

"I was in a similar situation as all of you, suffering from my own weakness. Not being able to pass the exams. No one, willing to extend a helping hand for me".

"A dog eat dog world. However I chose to keep eating, that allowed me to keep trying and trying. Until finally I could be one of the strong. That experience was necessary for me to get here" Atlas says getting lost in the luster of his new found power.

"But what happens when that's not enough" A familiar voice crashes through Atlas's reverie.

"You're thrown away and treated like the trash of the planet". Blake's voice manages its way through the slew of participants, emerging prominently over the immense amount of noise.

"Just because you managed to get a power doesn't mean the current structure isn't wrong". His tone becoming more and more sharp.

"It needs to be changed, just imagine what would happen if all humans were treated with the same resources".

"We would be a force to be reckoned with in so many different fields". Blake says a goal starts to form from the suffering of his past. His resolve guides him along for the change he desires.

"Be the change you wish to seek Blake'' A low menacing reverberation chirps throughout his mind forming the familiar voice causing a shiver to electrify his nerve endings.

"That's great and all kid but you haven't seen the real world it's not sunshine and rainbows not everyone can be deemed useful" Atlas says shutting him down with a irritated tone.

"You have to give it everything you have and if you don't succeed then that's that".

"So don't think your half baked ideals are going to change anything" Atlas says as cold as possible trying to freeze over the change circulating in Blakes mentality.

"On that note, back to the exam at hand. This generation is getting more and more brazen". Atlas says, wiping his rough hand down his scaly face.

"The retakes will be handled in a series of exams, fail one and you're done" Atlas says with a deep level of seriousness.

"A 1v1 between two contestants"

"A 2v2 then finally an all out match to see who can score the most points".

"Today is the 1v1 exam, you each will find your way to a sim room according to the number provided to you. There your battle will take place". Atlas says sending off the contestants to get their numbers.

"You're an interesting one". Hungry eyes meet Blake. Black fingernails find their way onto his face.

"What was your name, Blake"? The two are locked in each other's gaze much longer than his preference, strands of blonde come into view.


"Thanks and all but I don't swing that way". Blake says nonchalantly, recent events making it harder for him to be fazed.

"I don't mean like that, you're not my type anyway". Mischievous laughter escapes the guy in front of him wiping away a forming tear.

"The name's Morgan, I heard about your exam with Pyre, it was very intriguing not many can push him like that, especially someone without a power of their own. Then you go and do that with Atlas". Morgan says, his curiosity and intrigue starting to spin together.

"I want to be your partner for the 2v2. I have a good feeling about you. Can't quite pinpoint it" Morgan says adamantly, putting a finger to his chin.

"But the fact that you stood your ground against Pyre, pushed him farther than most with powers. leads me to believe you have some hidden potential". He says as his mind starts to form the future possibilities and gains of this budding relationship.

"Want to be friends. Might as well ask early on. Morgan says as his voice fills with hesitation for a second.

"Sure, I'd be happy to". Blake says a dim green glow surges forward in his eyes.

"Not many are willing, especially someone with no power I respect that" Extending his hand with a wide grin. A foundation of confidence is starting to slowly build within him.

The anxiety of the forming relationship crumbles away for Morgan as his desired outcome comes into fruition much to his shock.

A warm smile forms on his face. "You like to smoke don't you why don't I help that process along". In an instant a lit cigarette dangles from Blake's mouth, smoke finding its way into his lungs.

"Good luck, I better see you in the 2v2s" Morgan says waving Blake off with a peace sign before disappearing. Leaving Blake speechless.

"How did he even know I smoke". His jaw hangs in confusion at how instantaneous everything just was.

"Hurry up boy you were nearly late as it is" Atlas shouts breaking through his bafflement.

"Your number 14, The sim room has already been prepared".

"Your opponent is waiting for you," Atlas barks out with a tone of importance.

Hurrying to his assigned sim room. A hole forms spreading outward opening into an entrance in the bubble-like film. Stepping through, Blake isn't surprised to see it seal up behind him.

In a bright flash the whole space shifts changing entirely from a series of connected squares littering the floor and the translucent walls of the room. The film of the walls disappearing entirely into the infinite desert before him. Sand dominates every corner of his vision.

"PFFT yuck. Great start, sand in the mouth" Blake mutters to himself in his annoyance, spitting out the sediment.