Kiaras Despair

"I JUST SAT THERE"! Grief ridden sobs echo out of a messy room. Trapped smells of depression and grief slowly crawl from underneath the floor.

"WHY COULDN'T I DO ANYTHING"! A burning rage manifests through streams of tears. As orange frizz brushes against hazel eyes. Chaos meets the room as the mess starts to grow from the outburst.

"I'M MEANT TO BE A SWIFT"! Kiara wails out. The normal speediness of her speech is almost completely obliterated by her pain. An alien slow steadiness starts to take its place.

"I COULD HAVE SAVED HER WHY, WHY COULDN'T YOU MOVE, WHY"! She yells out as she slams her hands into her legs mercilessly with balled up fists.

Her anger and self-hatred reaches a tipping point as a pillow slams against the door of her room. Knocking down an old image projector.

Crashing to the floor an old photo of their family is projected. Nostalgia briefly enters her mind seeing her missing front teeth.