What happened to you?

"I don't get it, I just don't get it". Thoughts get tangled in a mess processing the recent events.

"Why couldn't we work together on it. We would be a team like before". Sadness starts to grip him at the thought of losing their once strong friendship.

"What's so bad with that we did that from the beginning to pass the exams"

"Does he not trust me now? Just what is going on inside his head". The worry starts to dominate his ,mind causing him to lose track of his surroundings.

"What's got your thoughts Morg"? His mother manages to break through the stream.

"Oh, nothing". Trying to respectively brush his mother off.

"It wouldn't be nothing if i didn't see your forehead crease in thought. Old habits die hard".As usual his mother picks his excuse apart.

"Alright you got me there mom". A deep sigh escapes his pristine face.

"You're my son, I know you well. So what has your thoughts, Morg"? His mother says through a sip of coffee.