A Brief Respite

"I've got all of Neros ideas jotted down with this weird implant. So many screens in the way, more than usual". Blakes says as his pupils can hardly find a resting point with the overload of stimuli in his vision.

"Still shocks me he just went and got the implant but not much i can do now". Blake says with a bit of a sigh as he returns to his chipper mood.

"Least it's useful". Blake says slowly learning his way around it setting up multiple pages of notes.

"Dont worry too much. If it was done by Otto he's the best there is". Ash says patting Blake on the shoulder trying to ease his worry.

"Least there's that". Blake says taking some comfort in the surgeon for the implant.

"Hang on. What a minute this implant can take mental images and put them into sketches". Childlike joy fills Blakes face as he says this.

"Oh he must've got the latest edition. But it all depends on the user. You can have the latest edition but be nowhere near utilising it fully" Ash says with a sigh.