Sleepless Workload

"Deep carbon finally I have some sort of access to that the military were always so stingy. It's so light and durable I'll need like a whole crate of that" He says excitedly, filling up more of his basket. 

"Holy shit they even have a stable supply of alloyed stitched materials. Please I need a load of that. Steel and titanium is such a rare mix" He continues to fill the basket as more and more materials make themselves known to him. 

"Plenty of fibre optics, nylon cabling, advanced polymer mesh and air thrusters"

"Electrodes wouldn't go a miss either, i'll need some new electromagnetics as well a mini tesla coil would be great"

"What minerals do they have in store, damn a whole plethora to sift through". He says subconsciously flicking through the endless lists of minerals available for purchase.