Familiar Trials

"It's time we get a move on Icarus, With the information from one of the Hive rulers we should have a starting point to work with." Vega says with his usual innocence, directly communicating with Icarus's newly reformed brainstem.

"He was a big help, I'm glad we met him. Now we just have to find this Blake person. I trust the elder chits words, he should help us adjust to this new life." Vega says clenching his new fingers into place as they continue to soar through the sky, his bright yellow transparent wings reflecting the rising sun. 

"I wouldn't doubt him either. They tend to have a better grasp at spacial events to a concerning degree. Plus with the wealth of knowledge the hive network offers." Vega continues on.

"You think this Blake guy will be scared of us?" Icarus questions, swooping down to a nearby forested area catching a quick feast of leaves.