Blunt Brutality

The massive airship continues to break high through the clouds as the winds grow colder and colder as they approach Sudras frozen landmass. Its hulking frame is a small shadow on the tundra below. 

The gigantic black and purple ship hulks its way through the skies dispersing clouds with ease evidently giving up on stealth. Visibility slowly starts to dwindle to a grinding halt as more frost-like mist becomes thicker and thicker. The creeks of the airship whine out in an odd symphony of the ever present winds.

The airship shudders slightly under the pressure of the blasting winds almost guarding the entry of Sudra. Snow and frost continued to barrage against the hulking flying piece of metal.

"I haven't had a normal meal in a decent while, let's hope the chef here isn't incompetent." Letum comments to himself as his tongue begins to run along his yellowed teeth at the thought of fresh meat.