High Rollers Bet

"I still can't believe we managed to get in without much issue apart from those idiots in the canteen." Morgan comments glad he got to avoid an annoying confrontation. 

"I hope Jacob can handle himself in this place. I mean yeah he can change his face but the last thing we need is someone who can see through his act." Kiara says as she struts down the metallic hallways chewing at her thumbnail a clear expression of her building stress.

"It should be fine, I mean what's stopping him from shifting his face again." Morgan says, trying to reassure Kiaras nerves.

"That's a good point but what if they have someone who can see through the guise." Kiara says as she continues to bite down on her nail. 

"Will have to cross that bridge when we get there." Morgan says solemnly knowing full well that they cant predict every single outcome.